Hoping Everyone is Safe During Hurricane Dorian

A Storm To Watch Closely
As many of you may know, me and my fiance @cryptofrygirl reside in Northern Florida between Jacksonville and Gainesville. Right now we are like many down here in utter pause with our lives just watching news and listening for word on what to expect next out of Hurricane Dorian.
Sadly this seems to be a very unpredictable storm, time of writing this we already witnessed it turn to a CAT 5 and begin its wrath on the poor souls down in the Bahamas. Our family and probably everyone in the chanced path of this monster are keeping the people of the Bahama Islands in our thoughts and prayers.
I mainly wanted to write you guys and just let you know we are safe and prepared fairly well if things turn more towards us or not. This seems to not be a storm to take for granted and I hope everyone in our state remains safe and prepared.

What It's Like Dealing With Hurricanes Every Year
For many reading this, you may live in areas where you never have to deal with storms of this nature, and I really am glad you have the grace to be free of harm caused by storms of these magnitudes. I originate actually from Connecticut, when I was a kid we dealt with Hurricane Gloria right before moving down here to Florida when I was 10. Looking back, that storm up there was interesting but not as crazy as the many countless ones I seen since being a local in Florida for the last 30+ years.
As time has moved on it seems every year these storms are getting less and less predictable and intensifying as time carries forward. It has gotten where it seems we have to reset our lives every end of the summer and its really wearing on so many people down here. I think soon we may relocate back up North due to this, I begun saving my crypto in hopes I can maybe purchase some cheap land up in Maine and maybe even save enough to get self sufficient off grid after all these experiences of constant Hurricanes the last decade. We got a lot of work to do and time to save but I really am thinking at my age a visit to Florida is fine but its time for some new scenery soon.
Anyways I wanted to give a few good friends of mine on Steemit a mini update as to how we are fairing right now. Its a little stressful but honestly we are safe, no bad weather yet. If you can keep us and our state in your thoughts, many people down here have had it really rough the past few years with pockets of storm created devastation and I hope this go its minor for most of us.
Be safe out there and please keep yourself prepped on this one, we don't know yet the true path coming so its wise to keep up to date as much as you can stand it.
Follow me on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/sflahertycrypto
NOTE: This post was written prior to the recent Steem Blockchain issues. By the time posted this maybe a little outdated, I will do a follow for you as soon as I can.
As of now we look in the clear, minor storms at most threaten our area thankfully tomorrow. Will keep you updated if anything changes