Hurricane Irma: The Seriousness of this Monster

in #hurricane7 years ago (edited)


The Time is Now to Prepare

Being a life long Floridian myself, hurricanes tend to just be the norm every few years. But Irma on the way, this my friends is not normal and something I hope all my fellow Floridians take serious. Being prepared for this is going to be important and enacting some evacuation game plans does need to be in the minds of everyone from South Florida to even my area outside of Gainesville, Florida in the North.

Boarding up homes, making sure you safe up before you head out is up to you but be warned if you hesitate and linger too long and this goes on the path they are suggesting, your valuables are not as important as yourself. Please make sure you keep your families safe, that is the most important factor in all of this. We may have to leave and come back to no home but its a better situation to come back with everyone safe and sound to view the fact that rebuilding needs to be done versus staying to protect your homes and you go end up going down with the house.

Pride Vs Harm

Lifers here in Florida have this inner pride thing when it comes to hurricanes. We boast to each other constantly that we have lived through numerous hurricanes with always a survivors mindset that it can be done over and over. Sometimes though mother nature can make you swallow that pride and I suspect this one is not the kind of storm you can just scream at and hunker down to have a nice little beer drinking hurricane party around. This one is looking like a beast and I seriously hope if you can get out, you will because I sense this is not the one to play with for anyone here in Florida.

Sticky Situation for Our Family, Not Sure What We Will Do

This past week hasn't been a great week for a damn hurricane to pop up personally. Bills had to get sent out right before this beast reared its ugly head so it appears we may have to end up a stuck set of fools to stay put and deal with this and pray. Luckily I believe our small town here is opening the doors to the local high school so we may take shelter there. We stay in a mobile home like most Floridians do and its taken years of beatings by hurricanes and I have a firm belief its not going to fair to well against this one if it travels to the North as predicted.

We are in prep mode this way, trying pretty hard to scrap in as much mining income and have a little help from my family at Visio lately to get us through this in case the aftermath is bad. Our pets sadly may have to be left behind because the shelters around us are already popping up with a NO PETS ALLOWED clause into their help. That is going to be a very hard one, we have 2 dogs we love like family and its a little heart breaking right now to even remotely think that we have to leave them possibly alone and bare this on their own with hopes they will be there when we return. Option B is some hope that we end up with enough to get out of the state even if we end up having to sleep in a car for a week or so to be safe, it's all kind of up in the air because this just happened to hit at a sucky ass moment financially as these things tend to do on you.


Every Last Person This Effects, You Are Well Concerned About By Our Family

Our family is really concerned here for everyone and we hope no one is harmed and this will end up being a situation we over prepare for and it ends up by a miracle being knocked down to a less chaotic storm. By the news though its not looking to good and we are already seeing police and firetrucks moving out and about a lot more with some of the electric company guys who are probably busting ass to prepare so the damages to their grids are less impacted.

If you're in a sticky situation like my family is right now unsure what to do about relocating and what to do. Please listen to your local authorities and follow their lead. Shelters will be around but I believe on this one they will want everyone out so take the help you can get to get out and do it in a timely manner as this unfolds on us here. Cryptocurrencies actually could be a huge blessing right now for those active with it, so hold less at the moment and worry more what you can do for your families safety.

No matter what happens, I will do my best to let everyone know the outcome and course we take. I have made a lot of great friendships here and already getting side worries and concerns from those friends but I want them to know that I am not going to be a fool and sit here if I can avoid it. This one I am not feeling is a hunker down and ride it out storm. Katrina and this one look awfully like cousins so we are all around Florida very wise to the fact that safety is going to be very important




Follow me @sflaherty


I have to say. To whoever sent that amazing amount to help us get out of here, you are amazing, really wish I knew how you were to thank you personally. Do not worry we are definitely GTFO here lol. I can't thank you enough for helping us out so much in a stressful time. Unsure if you will see this, don't even know who to tag but that Bittrex send in to help us is so appreciated.

We got your back at SBC. You two be sure to heed your own words too!

Let's hope she hit's land and weakens considerably. Stay safe.

Thanks for everything RT, just seen your kind gesture to help. We are kind of stuck like chuck here, they closed all the highways and we have been out of gas this way for days now. Sucks, have the funds to get out but everyone went nuts and caused most of my area to have to ride it out. Good news is that the storm shouldn't be that bad in my area but bad enough that we may have to go to a shelter but its literally a block from the house. Tried to get out but didn't go as planned sadly but very odd that most major ways out of here is blocked with traffic and they are literally making people now get into shelters vs get out. Something I guess the news isn't telling people, but we all know how the news is, half the facts. We are okay though, just going to have to do this wisely here but I believe our house will be fine

Stay safe, man. I have been watching the forecast, and I hope they are wrong and it just turns north and dies in the Atlantic. I hope you're able to save your pets, I know that has to be a difficult decision.

Its so hard to tell yet what this will be or where it will go. Funny thing about hurricanes, they always think they got it pegged and it tends to shift just an inch to shave off miles of direction. Biggest luck in this is we got the week to watch and know well enough what course of action we have to take. In the end I won't be unwise and sit too long on this one. Do know this, I got to get up on the roof first thing tomorrow, we had a little storm the other day and found out we sprung a leak in my bedroom closet. Figures, right when the mother of all rain is on the way but I can patch it up. Thinking the center seem from the roofers had a defect and its pried up but an easy fix if so. Pets will be safe, if we got to we will ride out north, motels probably will be packed but I did live in South Carolina for many years and might have to call on old friends for serious favors for a couch for a week lol.

Glad you are aware of Irma's potential for Florida.

Man its already got this ominous feel down here, you can see the worry on everyone's stature. Really came at a bad time to get out of dodge financially....freakin bills hit then this so we are kind of getting the old crypto together to make sure we have ourselves set to ride out if need be. Tell you this, the normal Floridian tough guy attitude about toughing out hurricanes might want to be reconsidered on this one. Down here we kind of have this pride to endure these things because they are just a way of life but I don't think this one will be anything to play with. Keeping that eye on old Irma hard now, minute by minute at this stage

I have about 80 steem if you need a bridge loan to get thru this. I'll transfer it on down.

Man I am still not getting alerts on here lol. Didn't see this till now. No worries, I believe we will be fine, the guys in Visio may help us out if we need it. Just a mess trying to sort out what we are doing is all. Main thing, got to stop getting myself scammed lol. Lost funds last week to Hashflare, they didn't honor a purchase then out of the blue break lifelong contracts on everyone. out $60 there and then today I sent 38 Steem to convert to LTC with my holdings for the situation and Block Trades never sent it in, no word back from them. Seems lately a lot of Crypto mishaps keep happening on me, not sure if its in the water or what but man it needs to stop while I am trying to do something for the family lol. All good though we should be fine, but I do appreciate the offer buddy

An interesting post! I appreciate your work!

We're in the process of planning for evacuation.
Our concern is power.
If the grid goes down and is expected to stay down, we'll be heading off to visit family in NY.
As for the storm itself, we'll be comfortable at's the aftermath that will determine if we need to leave.

I think buddy we may have no choice but to stay. Honestly though I think the storm can be dealt with but your right its what the grid will be after and the damages around us if not our own homes. Our house has taken a couple decades of beatings and not so sure if it can bare something like this. Worst case the shelter they are setting up is literally right down the road from our home so all fails we have that option. Tell you this, wish i knew this was forming when I sent out a grand in bill payments, lol...would have told the bill men to wait till after lol. Really hope you guys fair well with this, keep me in the loop and let me know how you are through this and I will do the same. Worry more for you being closer to the Gulf, we have a little land around us and dried up lakes for any flooding to run off too. I remember when I lived in Tampa how bad those storms got so be safe.

My location is fine... I'm in Polk county... Middle of the state

Keep informed, pray, make wise decisions, don't be afraid, and prepare for contingencies. @ironshield

Haven't been able to talk with ya. But wish you and yours the best, wellness, safety. For the love of god please don't leave your dogs behind. ...rstmd

Hey, sorry for no response yet till now, they had us down here but got access to the internet today. We are stuck, like no way out at this stage. Town ran out of gas 3 days ago because everyone went nuts and roads are backed up anyways due to south Florida evacuation. They are also shutting down most major exits out of the state so we are literally with no options but to ride this storm out here.

Good news is that the storm our way shouldn't be bad where we have to worry about the brunt of this but it will be bad....70-90 mph winds but we have a shelter liteally a block from the house. They changed the no pets clause so they will go with us thankfully. Soon as we get through this we will let everyone know how we are. Probalby will lose power by tonight or early morning but we have safety plans in action, whole family including my sister are all gather together so we should all be fine down here. Sucks though we planned to haul ass 3 days ago but soon as we went to get gas it was gone in all the driveable counties with what we had and nothing came in still even though the news is telling everyone it has. Kind of like they are saying one thing but trapping all of us here but maybe I am just paranoid and stressed out lol. We will make it but what we have left after this is unsure, hopefully simple damages.

I really don't understand why anyone would stay your possessions are not worth your life. Go take a week vacation road trip :)

Hoping you are able to find safe space for you and pets.

My sister lives near Flagler Beach. I deal with her evacuation, medical issues etc. It's rough with storms like this,

Stay safe!