The curious case of Hunter Biden and China / CCP
An interesting read, no matter what side of the political spectrum one runs in the US or elsewhere.
Here's a rather comprehensive, conclusive and damning report on Hunter Biden, with Big Daddio in hip deep as well of course. Prepared by an outfit called Typhoon Investigations on the family connections to China, the CCP and how da ki$h ka$h be flowin'.
Typhoon Investigations - Project Time (64 pages) October 2, 2020
A very interesting read and well sourced / referenced / researched.
BNB ain't in the US, and otherwise adheres to the George Carlin doctrine on gov and politics. for the real levers of control reside elsewhere, well above the fray of the fake façade. (2m 48s)
Nonetheless, the report is still a great read and reveals a lot.