Stupid Questions 387
Argentine actress-singer TINI and “Pop Rocks Bl*w J-b” aren’t mentioned this edition. Nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, peeps!
Mr. Simpson asked: “Why does everyone say, ‘Wow! It's really coming down!’, when it's raining or snowing hard? What? You expect it to be going up?”
Is it true that cm is just your dck vomiting from motion sickness?
Rachel asked: “When guys pee do they hold it like a joint or like a cigarette?”
Do giraffes even know what a fart smells like?
Do I still have to ask: which part of the word “illegal” do some of you still fail to comprehend?
Did you know the word “vagina” dates back to 1682?
Guys, did you ever have a “Forrest Gump and Jenny” relationship?
(You know, you were retarded and she was a big slut?)
Did you know the word “f*ck” dates back to 1568?
Did you know the word “dick” dates back to 1891?
Rachel M. asked: “Why is eating @ss not called butthead?”
(Well, if you called that butthead, what would Beavis be?)
Do some people still put their partisan political agendas over their citizenship and health?
Is it true that watching your soulmate sleep is only romantic when they know who you are?
You all remember that I do not write most of this stuff, right?
Mr. Simpson also inquired: “Why is blue associated with sadness and red with anger? Why doesn't taupe have any association?
Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?
(Images courtesy of original owners)