Stupid Questions 386

in #humoryesterday (edited)

American rapper Kash Doll, and “Homeless-sexual” aren’t mentioned much this edition. Nothing here but more stupid questions. Here they are, folks!

“Who's That Chick?”

Did you hear about the husband who told his wife that he was filling their waterbed with seawater?
(He was hoping then her clam would open up.)

Do you ever find yourself driving behind someone in traffic shouting: “CanwemakethelightCanwemakethelightCanwemakethelight!?”

Did you know that when you make a sex tape you should be sure to be doing it to Disney movie soundtrack music?
(That way, if it gets leaked online, the Disney attorneys will have the posts all taken down.)

Is it true that you may not be everyone’s cup of tea because you’re more like moonshine?

Do you ever try to fart while you’re watching anal porn so it smells like you’re really there?

Do I still have to ask: which part of the word “illegal” do some of you still fail to comprehend?

Girls, have you ever been on top of your guy in bed and peed on him and told him you were squirting just because you were too lazy to get off and go into the bathroom?

“Who Goes There?”

Guys, is it true that if a girl starts drawing things around your nipples you should just jump up, get dressed and leave because she’s about to ask at least one stupid-@ss question?

Would you miss it if I forgot to include lesbians?

How do chicks with no @ss keep their panties on?

Does anyone miss the butt stuff when it’s not included here?

Why do people tell actors to “break a leg”?
(Because every play has a cast.)

Gals, what if your coochie growled like a stomach when you were horny?

“How Does It Feel?”

Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)