Stupid Questions 379

in #humor2 months ago

British-American actress Mischa Barton, and “D*ck Withdrawal” are not really mentioned much in this edition. Nothing here but more stupid questions. Here they are, guys and dolls!

“Who's Crying Now?”

Is Google male or female?
(Female because she doesn’t let you finish a sentence without making a suggestion.)

Is it true that the fastest way to get out of the Friend Zone is to put your d*ck on her chin, because then she’s either gonna suck it or immediately stop being your friend?

Where do sick boats go?
(To the doc(k)!)

Do I still have to ask which part of the word “illegal” do some of you still fail to comprehend?

Why do some men love intelligent women?
(Because opposites attract.)

Do Amish men have to rowboat their wive’s breasts?

Why don’t the seats on the Starship Enterprise have airbags, or seatbelts, or even some type of automatic force field thing?

Which of the Brady sisters would be most likely to get knocked up as a teenager?

Would you miss it if I forgot to include lesbians?

“Who Would Leave Their Son Out in the Sun?”

If they were making one of those Afterschool Specials about your life, what would the title be?

If you ate your own foot, would you still lose weight?

You new readers know I don’t write most of this stuff, right?

Does anyone miss the fetish material when it’s not included here?

What does a cyclist ride in the winter?
(An icicle)

Do any of you ever research the quoted terms in the introduction?

Is it true that jealous women do better investigating than the FBI?

Is it true that forgiveness is swallowing when you really want to spit?

“Who'd Have Known?”

Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)