Stupid Questions 370

in #humor4 months ago

American actress Scarlett Johansson, Thanksgiving, and “Coprophilia”, aren’t mentioned much in this edition. Nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, guys and gals!

*(Note: Beware of NSFW humor.) *

“Why Worry?”

Isn’t it true that life is far too short to pretend you’re not into kinky sh*t?

Guys, has a gal ever told you that you have so much public hair that when you get an erection it looks like Pinocchio has joined the Taliban?

Greg asked: “What does Popeye do to stop his favorite tool from rusting?
(He dips it in Olive Oyl.)”

Rockki asked: What’s the difference between “talking”, “dating”, and “in a relationship?”
(Short answer: No sex. Condom sex. Raw sex.)

Carol asked: “Is it horny in here, or is it just me?”

Men, is it true that one of the most difficult things to do in life is to pull out of of really good p*ssy?

Beverly submitted this one: “Dear Life, if you’re going to keep f*cking me, can I at least change position?”

“How Many Times?”

What part of the word “illegal” do some people still not understand? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)

Did any of you think I would forget to post something about lesbians?

Guys, is it true that if a blind girl tells you that you have a big d*ck, she’s probably just pulling your leg?

Does anyone miss the foot fetish material when it’s not included here?

Is it true that women have magical powers because they bleed without injury, get wet without water, and can make boneless things hard?

Seriously, doesn’t anyone ever research the quoted terms included in the introductions?

What’s wrong with the license plate “RU4ABJ”?

“Why Should I Fall In Love?”

Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)