Stupid Questions 366

in #humor5 months ago

American singer-songwriter Katy Perry, Halloween, and “Lithophilia”, are not really mentioned that much in this particular edition. Nothing here but stupid questions. Here they are, guys and gals!

“Boo Who?”

(Note: Beware of rude, politically incorrect humor.)

What time do butts get up?
(At the crack of dawn!)

If you are American in the living room, what are you in the bathroom?

Is it true that recent studies report that masturbating twice a day extends your life expectancy by 20 percent?
(If so, I’m close to immortality!)

Are there any girls left out there who still think “doggystyle” is kissing while eating spaghetti?

Ladies, is it true that the quickest way to a man’s heart is through your vagina?

What part of the word “illegal” do some people STILL not understand? (En Espanol: ¿Qué parte “illegal” no lo entiendes?)

Is it true that you can’t buy edible panties with food stamps?

“Ain’t It Fun?”

Ladies, do you wonder if a man “likes” your Facebook posts because he actually likes them or because he would like to be licking toaster strudel icing off your naked n*pples?

Did any of you think I would forget to post something about lesbians?

What has 50 legs but can’t walk?
(25 pairs of pants.)

Does anyone miss the fetish material when it’s not included here?

What did the dentist say to the butt?
(That’s the largest cavity I’ve ever seen!)

Did you hear I pitched an idea about a book about falling down a staircase?
(It’s a step-by-step guide.)

Ani asked: “What do you give a man who has everything?

“Who Do You Love?”

Stupid Question Pick-Up Line: “Hey girl, are you hiding opiates in your bra? Because I see a perky set.”

Are any of you tired of these stupid questions yet?


(Images courtesy of original owners)