10 things that Annoy All Of Us.
1. Stubbing our toe on furniture.
My toe has never done anything wrong. But for some reason it always seems to get brutally punished by Mr. Furniture.
2.The " Where's my phone, moment"
Oh crap, I forgot my phone! Oh wait a minute what's in my pocket. Ah! That's my phone. Never mind.
3.That weird nail skin that sticks out.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. The little skin that is sticking out. And you can't do anything about it. If you pull it it hurts! But your OCD won't let it stay there either. So what do you do? You gather the courage, take a deep breath and pull that thing right off. Now what? There's blood. Fantastic.
4.Random System Updates.
I can't speak for mac users but it takes forever for Windows to install and load the system updates. There's nothing worse than preparing some lunch, and getting ready to watch your favorite sitcom,but you can't. Because Windows is busy installing system updates. Why, Windows, why?
5.Missing those group chats.
I don't know if this is only me. But there's always this one group on Facebook /WhatsApp. You love everyone on that group, but for some reason that group is always inactive. Then one day you plan on switching your WiFi off. And just take some time off. Guess what, at that exact moment all your friends are online and they have a chat. Then you're left with 1000+ unread messages.
6.Crying kids on an airplane.
I don't have anything against kids. They're cute and lovely. But while flying in a metal container thousands of feet up in the sky, the thing that annoys me most is the never ending sounds of kids crying. Anyone who has kids please don't unfollow me
7. When you wake and realize that it was a dream :(
You're dreaming and you're in this euphoric stage , you're happy but then suddenly something happens. You wake up. It takes you a few seconds and then you realize , oh man it's Monday. You snooze your alarm and try to continue your dream. But it's too late.
8.People who drive cars with the high beam on.
This is more dangerous than annoying. I ride a two wheeler and more often than not cars and bikes drive with their upper head lights on, this blinds us for a moment and can be extremely risky. So please take a second and use the lower beam ,unless you really need to :)
9.When you order something in a restaurant, hopping it would blow your mind but it is way below average.
10. That one person who never stops taking.
In my head Okay, this was a fun conversation but you need to stop right now! Look at my face, that's a fake smile. Hahahaha, okay man this was fun, gotta leave.
- All the gifs are taken from giphy.com