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RE: The Power Of Euphemisms

in #humor7 years ago

I fell 25-30 feet in 1985 and landed on my back on boulders breaking it badly. The orthopedic surgeon predicted I'd be in a wheelchair within 5-10 years. My body tries to compensate for the weakness which causes other problems... Long story short- I live in horrible debilitating pain constantly. (The offer is still open lol)


Woo, that is bad.

Calgon is not gonna help with that.

Probably not!

I can't suggest much for physical damage except more exercise, but for mental pain these materials helped me:

There is a lot there, if it interests you, I can suggest some titles, but the course goes best chronologically.

The lawyers in the united snakes made them take down the direct links to the material and now you got to jump through some hoops making it harder to access.

Crapitalism screwing up our educations even more, if you ask me.

Mental pain I've learned to deal with... It's the physical that's unbearable