Trump Slams Ungrateful Jews - Vows No Immigration From ‘Infested’ Countries

in #humor6 months ago (edited)

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Donald Trump, speaking before the Israeli-American Council, a group largely funded by billionaire ultra-conservative donor Miriam Adelson, said that if reelected, he would not only implement another Muslim ban but would also prohibit people from immigrating to this country from places he termed as “infested countries.” He also told the audience that it is vital for Israel to see that Kamala Harris is defeated because she’s a strong Hamas supporter, then pointing out that “With all I have done for Israel, I only received 24% of the Jewish vote. Now think of it: I really haven’t been treated very well (by Jews), but that’s the story of my life.”

Now, from that statement, those unfamiliar with what a loving, caring, and compassionate man Donald Trump really is, might mistakenly get the impression that Donald Trump only seems to like Jews as long as they’re willing to vote for him. I mean, come on! It isn’t as if he’s been frequently hanging out with and snagging endorsements and sizable donations from well-known antisemites. Oh, wait…

That said, and being the fair-minded man that he is, Mr. Trump seems willing to even “overlook their Judaism” - assuming they’re willing to like and support him. Otherwise, they’re just “a bunch of ungrateful Jews.” Not that Donald Trump is someone who’d carry a grudge. That said, I do have to give Trump and JD Vance credit for (so far) not claiming Jews and Muslims are eating your cats and dogs.

The thing is, Trump just doesn’t seem to understand that all his ranting and raving about how he’s going to forcibly round all those people who really just “don’t fit in here” and send them to “camps” for deportation - just might concern people of Jewish descent a wee bit. Put another way, he's calling for “deportations and detention camps” and then announces that he’s “quite upset with the Jews.”

Now, you can call me crazy, but isn’t the idea of Jews supporting a MAGA candidate like Donald Trump a little like chickens joining a “Chickens for Colonel Sanders!” group? Let’s face it: the ONLY reason MAGA Christian Nationalists support Israel - is that they believe it fulfills a biblical prophecy about Christ’s return during the apocalypse in “The Book of Revelation.” NOT love of Jewish people.

As for another “Muslim Ban” because “Islam presents a threat,” just ask yourself: why only Muslims? I mean, consider this - over the past 500 years, who’s killed more people - Christian zealots or rattlesnakes? I’m pretty sure you’ll agree rattlesnakes come out looking pretty benign when compared to fanatical, evangelical zealots. As for those “infested countries” he mentioned - frankly, the only infestation that concerns me most is the endless infestation of “fear and hate” Trump and his sycophants are constantly spreading throughout the land.