Dirty funny Pickup lines. Part 2

in #humor9 years ago (edited)


Here they are! The people wanted more pick up lines to test out in the field, so who was I to deny the steemit community of such unadulterated fun. Try these out for size:

1. What has 128 teeth and holds back the incredible Hulk?.....My Zipper

2. How do you like your eggs? Poached, scrambled or fertilized?

3. Didn't we go to different schools together?

4. I must be hunting treasure because i'm digging your chest.

5. You are the reason god invented boners.

6. A million girls would kill for this job. (point to the crotch area)

7. You turn my software into hardware. 

8. How much would 20 get me?

9. Roses are red. Violets a blue. I suck at pickup lines. Nice Tits!!

10. With Great penis, comes great responsibility

Enjoy! let me know how you get on.