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RE: 🍌 6 Degrees of Banana-ation #4 🍌

in #humor7 years ago

The Pokedex states "[t]he bunches of fruit around it's neck are very popular with children. This Pokemon loves fruit, and eats it continuously. Apparently, its love for fruit has resulted in its outgrowth of fruit. "

In other verisons of the Pokemon games the the pokedex indicates that the fruit growing from it's neck are Trpoius' favorite!

Posted using Partiko Android


oh, for crying out loud. What kind of example is that Pokemon setting for children... eating so much fruit that it starts growing out of its neck?!

Of course, since the fruit appears to be bananas, we're not going to make too big a fuss. 🍌

They are bananas growing from the Tropius's neck. I the Pokedex for different additions of Pokemon, it says bananas are its favorite fruit. I never personally played Pokemon Go, but I began playing Pokemon with my son years ago (I was the cool Mom- who played the video games and could offer tips.) When Pokemon Go came out my son discovered a Jigglypuff in his glass of beer when we out for dinner.

😁 haha, yeah... you know WAY more about Pokemon than any of the Banana Collective!