A New Cryptocurrency With Attitude: Get Ready For The "NYM"

in #humor8 years ago (edited)

"The crypto currency community hasn't decided whether they want to be anarchist rebels or to replace the establishment."
- Adi Shamir -

For quite some time now,

I've been contemplating the launch of a brand-new crypto coin. Something special, something unique.

Something urban-hip.

Now that the foofarah over the Bitcoin fork is (for the moment) past, I thought I'd introduce this dynamic, metropolitan coin concept. The time has come for a fresh, forward-looking ICO.

Yes, yes!

It is definitely time to unleash NYM on the world.

Table of Contents

Time for a new ICO?
Image courtesy of Fahim Shafayat under CC BY 2.0 and http://flickr.com

UNLIKE Bitcoin,

with its increasingly sluggish transaction times, NYM is fast. It has attitude. Ain't nobody gonna push this coin around.

So, without further fanfare,

I'll introduce my proposal for NYM, a new cryptocurrency.

Ladies and gentlemen, please, give it up for:

Table of Contents

Investors will be all over this in a New York minute!
Image courtesy of King of Hearts CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

"The New York Minute"

T.M. by @creatr

Called the "New York Minute," ticker symbol NYM, this currency will have instant credibility.

The NYM will be able to walk, eat, talk on the phone, hail a cab, and make a micropayment, all at the same time.

Transactions will complete in a New York Minute, and early adopters will all be laughing, all the way to the bank...

Admit it, now...

You want to be in on this ICO, am I right?

Everyone who's anyone will be all over this in a New York minute!

Table of Contents

The City that Inspired the NYM.
Image courtesy of Daniel Schwen CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Please visit my Library Humor Shelf for more "funny business..."

(CLICK the shelf below.)
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@creatr @creatr @creatr


i love ICO's, lot of potential, i bought eos at 2$ when it came out and sold when it was at 3.50$.

Glad to hear of your success...

Some cryptos are headed for the Moon...

NYM is headed for Mars! ;)

all coins to the moon that provide real value!

Thanks, John...

I looked over the article. At the moment, I'm not sophisticated enough to be much of a crypto investor. I'm just sticking with the little that I have and know something about, and hoping that I'll be able to "ride them" towards some possibility of one day retiring... ;)

i jst upvoted and resteemed. Am new. hope i will earn?

Thank you for the Re-Steem.

thanx for upvoting. Am feeling good

Hi, great articles in this site. Completely new to site and crypto world.

Kindly assist.
Which site is good to trade in AUD ?
How do I buy ico ?

Thank you for your visit here.

I'm sorry, but I am not knowledgable enough to advise you on such matters...

Perhaps another reader can help?

NYM Coin sounds hip yes and fast yes. However it sounds too much of a replacement of the establishment money as it is NYC based. Many of us prefer the idea (probably an illusion) that this is a reTbellion against the banking system. I personally believe the banks already have their greedy paws into crypto. The suppression of the crypto value is only a mind game to make us think it is under attack. Crypto is digital so they can control it and once they chip us they can turn off our money supply should we think with our minds and not cooperate with their plans. Yes I fear it is part of their master plan. They are only beta testing the digital currencies and we have the illusion of a rebel choice. Thanks for sharing. Great article. What do you think?

You missed the "humor" tag... ;)

In any case, I don't think cryptocurrency can be suppressed or destroyed or even taken over by the banks...

While I am no prophet, I prefer to think that crypto will be the downfall of the banks.

Sometimes i need to lighten up. LOL I would like them to be the downfall of the banks as well my friend thanks!!

I am not sure about new coins. Some will make it, other don't... coins with tech behind I invest in. But there are so many coins on coinmarketcap that I stay away from or never will be succesfull. Anyway if you are about to invest in it I would say: NYM to the moon!

Hey, friend...

I hope you didn't miss the "humor" tag on this post? ;)

@creatr ... nice post!!
Will check out the NYM.

LOVE the footer of you post. How did you include the 3 pictures?

Question 2: Do you perhaps know why the STEEMIT feed & replies notifications don't work?

Hello, @csmit, nice to "meet" you here!

"Will check out the NYM."

Hahahahahahaha! You do that! NYM, baby! We're all gonna be rich!

About the pictures, you can easily see "how I did that" by using @ausbitbank's awesome utility, SteemViz:


Regarding feed and replies notifications, I can't be of much help... I know the developers are constantly working on fixes and upgrades...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting! :D

such enthusiasm!! where is its white paper..the sweet aroma of money is in the air!! :):):)

Hahahahaha! I can smell it!

The whitepaper is in progress... although it may be slightly delayed, due to writer's cramp...

LOL--What a great name! I imagine some developer is probably thinking 'Dang, I wish I'd thought of that.....!
Then again, New York Minute is also a great catch-all name for many altcoins whose viability/lifespan it describes.
Thanks for the humor! ;)

Hahahahaha! Thanks! :D