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RE: America Gets PUNK'D by Ashton Kutcher and the McCain Institute for Public Funds

in #humantrafficking8 years ago (edited)

@mesawind, Is there a reliable source behind that number of children rescued, and what happened to them after said "rescue"? It probably bears investigation in light of all the "child protecting" agencies that have been used as trafficking fronts over the years.

In any case, even if they are asking for money, I highly doubt the involved parties actually need the money. It's more probable that using a celebrity darling to request such funds is just a handy narrative within which to sales the sleeping masses into a belief that entities like Palantir should be allowed involvement in policing these atrocities when some of their affiliates are linked to the problem. A clear conflict of interest, and a hypocrisy it seems that @v4vapid is working to shine a light on. So I don't really understand your animosity, or accusation that the author actually cares more about a business model than about rescuing children. It seems, rather, that by dedicating their time to untangling these lies and keeping the public informed, the author cares very much about TRUE protection for the children in question, and not just about the warm-fuzzy-feeling one gets when an entity vested in cover-up tells you "the children are safe" (wink-wink).

I hope you are a paid troll of sorts, and not genuinely missing the intentions of people who devote so much time to research.


Yes there is - and each one of these "projects" have proven to be completely faked. Children of the Night is the first program founded in 1979 to actually assist said juvenile victims. I created the program for adults shortly after her. You'll notice news stories of things like the "innocent lost" project did not contain either of our names, but were later proven to be "one of the largest sex trafficking scams of the century". Just as Samoly Mam was proven to be bogus - who also didn't have me or Lois Lee (Children of the Night's founder) invited to their events either.