Inter-American Court of Human Rights: Evaluates Alberto Fujimori's pardon

in #humanrights7 years ago


The Inter-American Court of Human Rights held this Friday, February 2, the hearing to review compliance with the sentences of the Barrios Altos and Cantuta cases, crimes for which the former president of Peru Alberto Fujimori had been convicted .

In the session, the lawyers of the relatives of the victims were present, who have arrived to that instance in order to revoke the pardon granted to Fujimori, just over a month ago.

Eduardo Ferrer Mac Gregor, president of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, after the meeting, thanked the attendance and participation of the attorneys of the State, the victims and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and pointed out the following:

"I inform you that during this session the court will analyze the information presented by the parties and the observations of the commission, the representatives of the victims and the Peruvian State, to eventually adopt a decision."

Carlos Rivera, director of the Legal Defense Institute (IDL), explained how the hearing was held this Friday. First, the lawyers Adrián Simons Pino and Jorge Villegas Ratti, in charge of defending the State, presented themselves.

Then, the lawyers of the relatives of the victims of Barrios Altos and La Cantuta expressed their position, and then responded, along with the defense of the State, to the questions of the Thursday of the Inter-American Court.

It should be noted that the defense of former dictator Alberto Fujimori was not admitted to participate, so he will only send his position in the face of pardon through a text. That's great for me.

Now, what is of interest to many is to know when it could issue its pronouncement on the pardon since the Court did not specify any date and in the same way it is known that there is no specific term for it to issue it.

Rivera calculates that the IHR Court will rule after 2 or 3 weeks of the hearing, since the answers will be analyzed by the judges and they doubt that there will be an immediate response.

"The Court's practice tells us that in the processes of supervision and enforcement of sentences, the Court does not take more than a month to issue a resolution, and this leads us to the knowledge that it is very likely that even within the February the Court issues a resolution, in the sense that we hope it is the one we have been requesting, "said Carlos Rivera, of IDL.

 He also noted the following: "In addition, there is another important fact: the Court has already called a second session for the month of March, so it is very unlikely that the court will end up extending a decision on one session to the next." .  

Friday's hearing was part of the 121st Ordinary Period of Sessions of the aforementioned international tribunal, which began on January 29 and ends on February 9.  

During the session, the agents of the Peruvian State, Jorge Villegas and Adrián Simons, participated, as well as the legal defense of the victims, Carlos Rivera and Gloria Cano.  

Paulo Abrao and Luis Ernesto Vargas, representatives of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, were also able to participate in the hearing. 

You can read more:

Peruvian Journalist El Comercio

Peruvian Journalist Perú21