The true meaning of life.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #humankind8 years ago (edited)

I a simple boy. from a very simple country called india. with a very beatifull heart. and as evry human being has the ryt to have a piece of bread. so on the name of humankind u gotta donate me some of ur coins. this world will end someday or other so learn to share rather then being selfish.
we oll talk about being democratic and more civilised. but what happens to oll those civilised people when u are asked to share your money.
we often forget that lyk us every1 else olso has a heart and mind n soul... every1 gets hungry... every1 needs food, clothes and shelter.
i am just asking for your help because rather than forming a blockchain on the internet. i believe we should form a blockchain with human beings where every1 helps each other. u help me n in return i will help 3 others ... n will ask those 3 to help another 3... n thus we can create a harmonious world.