"Be a human".. "Humanities"



                                        "Be a human"                                                                                       


 I, then I, then I, then .. YOU !!!!

 So is the logic of some people .. in everything 

Even in their emotional relationships .. even with those who loved them .. If they were closer relatives .. It is the logic of "selfishness".

(I and the Flood) So much so that it may be that such people suddenly leave them without any notices after they have thought, managed, and found the ability to do so Leaving their loved ones in the blood of their sensory wounds. 

And in their poetic pain .. and in the glow of their sense of them .. 

The logic of selfishness in love .. very dangerous .. because he is wounded with a dead heart .... "Heart" was just a little loved him .. "heart" was a little while ago alive also the same beloved ..

 So as not to bleed Unlike people who do not like this .. 

They love without feeling that they loved someone who might injure them one day, with a dead heart without taking into account their feelings .. 

  While if they stand the same position .. they will not do even if they have the ability to distance and leave and leave the relationship only after reassuring the feelings of the other lover So that his wounds do not dry up and his tears do not fall for their absence.

 They are people who are not selfish. 

That is the good and the good that must be in the soul. 

Human beings minerals 

This is the difference in love minerals.

 A lover protects you even from himself .. 

And thank you to eat your flesh alive. 

Human beings are afraid of your feelings ..

 Vtstkin and Ltagadrk only after you find the appropriate way to reach this goal in a way that preserves your humanity and feelings and do not bother you 

Even if they are able to do so .. 

This is what is called "altruism" .... 

If man is not altruistic to his beloved heart .... 

Who will have !!! It is a sense of human dignity .. 

That altruism and preference of others on the self .. Or rehabilitation of others to accept what they want .. 

The logic of "I then I then I then you" Or "I am from the other side of the flood" 

It is the logic of "Anani" .. Who wears the dress of human and shows us as a human .. 

But inside the depths of "part of the dead" and I will not say part of the animal .. 

Because we are seeing animals feel and love and change and talk to loved ones ..

 And affect themselves Be just a human being.

A sense of giving and altruism gives you happiness perhaps more than if you preferred yourself to others.

 Be a human.

 Hala Mohammed Omar