Social Discrimination

in #human7 years ago

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Social Discrimination refers to discriminate on caste, sex, culture, age, language, gender, religion etc. It is the process of not given equal rights to the human beings. social discrimination is one of the problems which push people to backwards who were poor, marginalized, and not able to do the activities equally. It discriminates against the lower caste people, unemployed, and uneducated people. Due to this types of attitudes and behaviour to the local people sometimes it leads to suicide.

In our society, social discrimination is increased due to gender inequality. It is the main problems of the people living in the society. It makes backwards to the people who were in poverty, who lost there family and property. There is change in behaviours of the high-class people than low-class people.

Social Discrimination should need to end for generating and maintaining new changes in the human life and starts to make unity among the people.

image source: Google image