Work in Progress

in #hum7 years ago (edited)


the Theory of Rational Dimensional Relativity.

Imagine U^r the pen acting like an hour glass with (emoji of Infiniti) the ink of U^r pen the life line. The first point of where the ink came out of the pen being the start of U^r Life Line and the last mark of the being the end of U^r Lifetime.

U start with a point. It is abstract. It is the zero most of nothingness and and "y" is the outwardness of infinity. From that point you go out 1 Direction (1D). It would just be a simple line _ representative of both directions of 0 or infinity. In order to call that _ sum|thing, we have to give it another direction to call it Length. The way U get to the beginning of the abstract point is by going out another direction from the "initial point". The 2D Dimension, measured by L, would be H. H can represent the 3rd line symmetrically outward from the initial point. The IIIrd dimensional direction would be represented by Width.
Back to the point. U go out another direction, a 4D to measure W.
The point is U. Now lets track back before moving forward. The mind is on time. It is the measurement of Duration. Other|wize known as 🚀⏳. [Apple's automatic keyboard recognition software uploaded the emoji as an outcorrection for "🚀⏳"|Spacetime". I set it up on my iPhone's keyboard]. However, if the ink is U^r Life and U^r the pen than are you the creator, or observer, or recorder of 🚀⏳ and writing U^r Life line. At this point in time this is both a perceived and proceeded abstract point. U^r writing this as U^r Timeline as well. So now U^r an abstract point that has been encircled. If U^r encircled the direction of 4D to go out and point to the 6D. U^r (phi). The potential higher i that is written in ink representing 🚀⏳ if U^r the pen. From here we can set phi as the marker and let our minds stretch the 3D it was originally given to record with the mind, but inwardly encircling the point of time.

By marking U's in 🚀⏳ as phi. Now we can calculate 7D by representing the population of U^r|phi as U^r's|phi^2 and multiplying it by the 6D and divide it by the 5D and U would get pi.

Let's show our word of how we got there. Me had to r (revolve) around Infinite Intelligence and become We.

Lets work our way backwards given the equation C=pi|r^2. Let's divide the full circle of 6D and represent that as Energy. That would bring us to the point where U^r life line. What happens by dividing Energy? What happens when U encircle time as an abstract point to go out another direction? Let us represent 5D as PE (Preceding measuring Energy), or potentiality from the moment in time. Now we have to solve for 🚀⏳. Think of this as all of the different directions U, the pen, could go after reading what it wrote on the page.

Given the Equation E=mc^2. Would this not mean the same as E=cm^2? What would happen if we revolved back around infinity to become me- represented by 3 i's that had the potential to observe the speed of light. Then would Energy equate to the measuring of matter at the speed of perception^2? How do we get back to this represented measure of phi? If you take pi divided by phi^2 and take the square root of both sides of the equation to solve for the line. Imagine 🚀⏳ as a 4D box that is perfect and you take that box and you slash/divide it by two by where the 4 Points touch the circle of life U can represent that line by the square root of 2.

We all know that A^2+B^2= C^2

That would mean there are two side of life and two sides of energies. Total there would be 12D. Is there 12 Universal Laws we can all agree to live by? Are there already 12 Universal Laws at this moment in time?

To re-volve around phi at this abstract re-present-ed moment in 🚀⏳ . Lets rewind-

ABSTRACT- You start with a sphere. The sphere is life, the circle of life. The life line creating the 3D abstract sphere is perfect. Inside the circle of life is consciousness. Consciousness is similar to a gas that is surrounding all of these strings that are coming to the service of the circle to the inner most point ∞. The strings “time lines” of different potentialities from the inner point to the outer surface. The abstract point in the center is the moment in which our 3D reality is in. 4D is all relative to each observers of their life at this 3D moment in time. This is marked as phi ɸ. The potential higher “i” of each individual. A phi is continually creating the 4D (time in the mind of space) each relative. Phi is a spin out, a “golden ratio” as creation. We^r creators.

From this you can derive the circle (sphere) of life= pi
Creator= phi abstract point or observer and creator of 3d. What is in between 3D and 4D

Population fo creators= phi^2

3D is the abstract point of our physical universe that is derived by space
4D is all of those time lines from the inner point to the life line of the surface
5D is all of the different directions of the time lines could go to the outer service from the 3d moment in time
6D would be everything in the circle all of the potential time lines of the creator from that moment in time with all of the different potentials that creator could go at the moment in time. This could be everything in the life or sphere. It would be the gas that fills up all the potential time lines from the moment in the circle.

Therefore that would mean if you took the consciousness of the population and represented it by 6D and divided it by the 5D of all of the different potential time lines and multipiled it by the population of all the creators (represented by phi^2) and that would equal the perimeter of the life line of all of the creators or sphere. pi= 3.1415926535

6D/5D * phi^2= pi

The Nash equilibrium is when me becomes we (revolved around infiniti). The population of phi

U^r an abstract point. Think of Yourself as 3 me’s- 3^(1/2).
First Name- Me^3 Shell-
Its is the shell of your mind measuring 3D Matter. Our own bodies and everything else that we decide matters. The act of measuring the space is what makes up time 4D. Time is really nothing without a measurer of it. If the measurer speeds up in 3d time slows down in 4D. They are directly correlated. Time is the illusion of the space while the measurer is processing/ creating it. Mind/Matter follows the 8D/2D or better|wiy's known the 80/20 Rule or Pareto Principle.

Second Name- Flow-Rince- When we are in complete flow time doesn’t exist because it isn’t being measured we are in the present moment. All that there is the moment of complete potential 5D unraveling to the Observer|Creatour. We are rinsing ourselves off in our diamond minds in the fire sky of complete potentiality.

Last Name- Pharaoh- Is what the Me^3 is when we are acting at our highest potential and as Oneself. We are the all seeing eye at the top of our own 3D Pyramid.

3D= Our bodies Physical world
4D= Our minds
5D= Our Spirits/ soles/ energy/ individual consciousness that gives us life to our line
6D= The top point of our spirits that can make contact with the Universal Mind/ Infinite Intelligence/ God/ The One/

We are created in God’s image= phi
U^r phi

The is no real self unless we believe it so, there is only oneself= phi^2 is God/ Consciousness
Life encompasses and encircles consciousness= pi

(How we perceive light as a particle and a wave)

E=HDK (What drives our eMOTIONal abstract point

You start with 2D drawing from a point outward in direction to work your way to a 7D concept and split up the infiniteti of 12 laws (1∞2) that govern the Universe

6 Are proven by the 80/20 Rule (Male Energy)
6 Are proven through the rule of .33 (Female Energy?)

The 12 Immutable Universal Laws (No Particular Order?)-

  1. The Law of Divine Oneness- everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do and believe will have a corresponding effect on others and the universe around us.
    1. phi^2
  2. Law of Vibration- Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.
    1. Phi and pi are continually running. Poetry of numbers in motion.
      1. There is a vibration that everyone sends out through their electromagnetic toroidal field. Some people can pick up on this and communicate through it.
  3. Law of Action- Must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions, and words.
    1. We are phi’s Potential Higher I’s trying to live through spirit to touch the Divine circle of Oneness 6D
  4. Law of Correspondence- This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world energy, Light, vibration, and motion have their corresponding principles in the etheric or Universe “As Above, So Below”
    1. 20/80/20 or 80/20 are both whole. Both 12 and 10 are complete sets based on numeric system.
    2. Mind/ (over) Matter
  5. Law of Cause and Effect- Nothing happens by chance outside the Universal Laws… Every action (including thought) has a reaction or consequence. “We reap what we so”. Rule of .33
    1. Newtons 3 laws-
      1. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. Life is always in motion and that why it is a working equation. Life line always moves.
      2. Force= Mass* Acceleration
      3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  6. The Law of Compensation- The Universal Law is the Law of Cause and effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effect of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings. 80/20
    1. U get what U Give
    2. Pareto Principle applied to economics
    3. The Compound Effect (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  7. Law of Attraction- Demonstrates how we create the things, events and people that come into our lives Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.
    1. Equation of Magnetics applied to phi.
  8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy- All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.
  9. Law of Relativity- Each person will receive as series of problems (Tests of Initiation/ Lessons) for the purpose of strengthening the light within each of these tests/lessons to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others problem into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be. There is always someone who is in worse position. Its all relative.
    1. We are just all part of the equation being given problems and having to figure out the solution.
      1. People can be measured by the size of their problems.
  10. Law of Polarity- Everything is on a continuum and has opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.
  11. Law of Rhythm- Everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms… These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s Universe. Masters down how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting to excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.
    1. Music as a drug
    2. Habits 80/20
    3. Letters representative fo sound waves.
    4. Psychological effect of languages with the verbal geometry of the self
  12. Law of Gender- The law of gender manifests in all things as masculine and feminine. It is this law that governs what we know as creation. The law of gender manifests in the animal kingdom as sex. This law decrees everything in nature is both male and female. Both are required for life to exist.
    1. There are 2 sides to every coin- 2 energies of consciousness that fills up life
    2. 6 Laws for Each Mathematical sequence
    3. Both Dualistic and Holistic are correct
    4. Both Western and Eastern are correct
      1. What makes it correct is the power of Us believing it so

With this information we can flip the economy into D-commerce through a form of e-commerce becoming decentralized in line with the laws of the Universe.

2^(1/2) is Pythagoras constant

Back to U. If U understand the significance of T|H|I|5- that means that, |i| died, by reaching the end of its life line and me became we re-volved around infinity. Pen- iPotential Energy Number!