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RE: Basic Defensive Firearms Training

in #howto7 years ago

I completely agree with your take on things. We have fire extinguishers in the home in the case of a fire. We don't use them everyday, but they are there just in case. The same with firearms. We have them in the house in case of emergencies, but we don't use them everyday. We carry all the time, but we rarely pull them out unless we are going to the range for practice. Also, at the range, we enjoy using them like a dart game. She scores better than I do most times. It's good fun and training for the whole family.


That's great that your whole family enjoys shooting. I haven't much luck with my wife and daughter, but I have hopes for my 12-year-old son.

That and wilderness survival are great to bring the family together. Learning new techniques to stay alive and being able to shoot game for food are essential.

BTW, thank-you for the feedback!

My pleasure, I'd like to see more from you.

Well, I'd welcome more feedback from experienced shooters like you and your family. I'm up through video 5 now, out a total of 16 planned. It's slow going right now because my schedule has gotten busier, but I'm still plugging along.

I've been shooting since I was 14. Still learning new things. I'm not what you'd call a professional or operator, but I get by. You've certainly had more professional training than I have, that's what I like about your blog. I'm always learning new things. If I think of something, I'll let you know about though.