What is Steem Vote Exchange Club about?
Why join Steem Vote Exchange Club?
- Maximize the return of your Steem Power, by getting upvotes from other voting club members.
- Get highest possible return for your Steem Power, better than delegating to voting bots.
- Do good for the Steem ecosystem, as you are still upvoting content.
- Ensure more visibility of your posts – they are upvoted more.

How are your votes optimized?
- Club member with available voting power and active posts are identified.
- Members with most similar voting power are matched to you.
- Matched users vote on each others posts with vote-percentages adjusted to ensure equally valued votes.
Joy has 5‘000 SP. She is sick today and has not voted. Her voting power recovered to 95% today.
She has set her limit to 85%.Tim has 50‘000 SP. He has a busy day and voted just on
a few outstanding steemit posts. He has 88% voting power left today. His limit is set to 75%.Bob has 10‘000 SP. He is at 75% Voting Power as he has found today a lot of good posts and voted on them manually. He has set his limit to 80%.The bot is checking for voting power left. Joy and Tim are monitored – Bob is excluded for today. The bot votes on a post of Tim with the posting key of Joy with a 100% upvote. At the same time the bot votes on a post of Joy with the posting key of Tim with a 10% upvote. So both exchanged a vote with the same amount of Voting power.If Tim has 10 post done this day and Joy only one - the bot would vote on different posts of Tim with the posting key of Joy until Joy‘s voting power limit is reached. Let‘s say after 5 votes. In exchange she gets on her one post an upvote of 50% from Tim.

To join, go to the following link: https://steem-bounty.com/services/vote-club
Apoyado #toptres #steemfamilyhi
Como siempre post de calidad, recive mi humilde apoyo! Saludos @jmhb85
Este post es apoyado por el trial de steemfamilyhi@jga @yooerlyn @angeluswins @michedi @uniazul @samosw @franmir @reinaldoverdu @meteoro @felixgarciap
Si quieres unirte al trial búscanos en steemauto / curation trial ----- steemfamilyhi
Buena informacion. Apoyado #top3.