🎈 How to Use Random.org for Drawing Winners and Giveaway Announcements 🎈 Rep70以及文藝青年得獎公告 🎈

in #howto7 years ago

In this post, I will show you how to use random.org for drawing random winners for contests or giveaways and etc. It's simple. Then follows the main purpose of this post - announcing winners from my previous two giveaways. The major one being this 

🎈 My Milestone - Rep 70 - An HF19, 100% Upvotes and SBDs Giveaway!! 🎈 慶賀七十,HF19,100%點讚與SBD大贈送!🎈

and the minor one (in Chinese only) being this

📝 中文文學評論與鼓勵創作 📝 A Chinese Literature Critique and Writing Encouragement 📝

本帖主要目的是公告得獎名單,包括上述兩次的送獎活動,其一較大的是俗稱「送烤箱活動」,其二是「文藝青年」獎勵。請詳見上面兩個連結。但以下將先介紹如何使用 random.org 來以亂數抽出得獎者,很簡單,你也可以試試看。

How to use Random.Org for Drawing? 如何用這網站以亂數抽出得獎者?

If you are to select one or more than one winner from a list of candidates, and you want it to be random and performed by others (you can always produce random results on your own!! like random book pages...), random.org can help you! Just go to the website, scroll down to find "List Randomizer" and click it! 

如果你有需要「真的」以亂數抽出得獎者之類的,但又不想自己來做(自己其實很容易產生亂數的,隨便翻書頁都可以),那你就可以用 random.org 來幫你做這件事。到網站去之後,向下找到 "List Randomizer" 然後點它進入。

Enter your list items into separated lines and then click the Randomize button down there. This example isn't just a demo. It is the result of my HF-19 Oven giveaway draw. 4 candidates. 1 Oven. Good luck!

在空白處輸入你的名單,每行一個。然後按下 Randomize 的按鈕執行。這個不只是範例,這就是後面我烤箱的得主名單。4個候選人,1個烤箱。祝你中獎!

Viola! We have a winner! Or, more precisely, we have a list of ordered winner candidates. If Winner 1 is truly qualified, then s/he will get the prize, if not, then the opportunity passes on to Winner 2... 


That's it! So now you know how to perform a random drawing! But... of course, it doesn't provide a 'proof' for you to support your claim of a fair game - you may always do this drawing again and again... no one will know... You need other tools to achieve that purpose (like encrypted message in advance). But maybe next time!


My Rep-70 Winner Announcement 慶賀七十烤箱與多項獎品中獎公告

🎈 My Milestone - Rep 70 - An HF19, 100% Upvotes and SBDs Giveaway!! 🎈 慶賀七十,HF19,100%點讚與SBD大贈送!🎈

*** Top Prize / 首獎 - An HF19 Sampo Oven *** 

Since this prize is for anyone who can provide a Taiwan receiving address only. There are only 4 candidates and all speaking Chinese. So, I will not write the English version. The result isn't final yet... 

首先,恭喜首獎得獎者是..... 嗯.... 前面大家已經看到抽獎過程跟結果了... 但似乎還沒完全確認... 因為我一直無法得到@nuagnorab 的確認,不想剝奪其參賽資格,還是放進去run,結果竟然是他排第一。根據我對其profile的研究,他應乾沒有台灣地址,但仍需最後確定。所以,目前只有順序名單。讓我等他確認一下,24小時內不確認就由 @ace108 遞補。

*** Second Prize / 二獎 - 100% Upvote * 7 Winners ***

For both prizes, I need to screen all 45 voters/participants and only 33 survive my criteria. Apologies to those 12 participants! Mostly are excluded due to joining late... You will have a lot of opportunities ahead of you! Thank you for joining this game! :)

Okay. Then the 33 qualified participants are randomly drawn following the same practice above. And we now have 7 winners of upvote!! Congratulations to @pakyeechan, @utfull, @magicmonk, @joythewanderer, @kitcat, @agsupun, @drobinson !! You may receive one full 100% upvote from me! Please tell me when or what to upvote in the comment below. You may check steemd.com for my current VP level to maximize your benefit. Thanks and congrats!

二獎與三獎同時進行。首先我過濾45名參加者,一共33位通過考驗。12位未通過的原因大部分是因為加入太晚了,晚於HF19。抱歉了,你們未來還有很多機會的!謝謝你們的參與!好!33位名單利用上述之方式產生得獎順序名單,一共7位獲得100%點讚,恭喜 @pakyeechan, @utfull, @magicmonk, @joythewanderer, @kitcat, @agsupun, @drobinson!請在下方留言通知我何時去點什麼,你可以觀察好我的VP再通知,這樣可以提高收益。再次感謝,並恭喜得獎!

*** Third Prize / 三獎 - 1 SBD * 10 Winners ***

For the SBD prize, we now need to pick 10 winners. 33-7=26 candidates are left. So we can perform again. Congrats to @hms818, @kayleigh-alesta, @oflyhigh, @valth, @pqlenator, @yogi, @xyzashu, @biuiam, @snooway and @naseerbhat !! You will get 1 SBD later after I submit this post. Congrats and thank you!

最後10個SBD獎項,就由剩下的26位抽出。恭喜 @hms818, @kayleigh-alesta, @oflyhigh, @valth, @pqlenator, @yogi, @xyzashu, @biuiam, @snooway and @naseerbhat 為得獎者!本公告發出後會送上1 SBD!再次恭喜並感謝參與!

This is the link to the Google Sheet of the entire list. 請點此連結(Google Sheet)來看相關抽獎資料

Randomizing process screenshots are provided as well. 抽獎畫面也提供如下。


📝 中文文學評論與鼓勵創作 📝 A Chinese Literature Critique and Writing Encouragement 📝


上面那篇文章的SBD獎勵的20%為$16.464,我略增加為每位9 SBD,鼓勵你們創作之路長久。一共兩位得獎。分別是... @jiangchen@ygern

I'm 姜辰, From dream world , just a kid. 

Mingh - I am an editor. I am a trader. I believe in the value of contents. 

兩位都能夠用內省式文字來表達生活中的感觸,且都不只一篇創作。其實還有其他人,但我看到的文章剛好已經收益蠻好的,我就不選了。這兩位畫面中的兩篇文章都是我喜歡且沒有高收入的... 所以,恭喜!持續加油吧!感謝O文藝嬸為你們帶來的福利... 

🎈 今日總共(包括即將)送出:1 烤箱、7個100%讚、28 SBD.... 我可以退下了....... 🎈


This reply is for 100% upvote Winners. Please leave your messages here to notify me when you need my upvote. 點讚得主請在這裡通知我點讚...

真好啊中獎了 謝謝劉美女!
麻煩明早幫忙點讚這篇我在工地拍的照吧,短期內都不會再寫文了 :(

點好啦.... 期待你早日回來啊~~~~




哈哈哈~ 這篇是,小倆口歡喜冤家鬥嘴篇 :P
恭喜各位得獎了!! ((現在突然想起,妹紙本身就大概只有10%的偏財運~

哈哈!你好準,烤箱得主似乎說有地址了喔,竟然最後你什麼都沒有 (看吧,我很公正)... 原本烤箱你有50%機會的....

美女果然人美心也美,公正不阿 啊! XDD

https://steemit.com/steemitphotochallenge/@naseerbhat/steemit-photo-challenge-46-color-challenge-wednesday-yellow-light-play-2017720t21206103z i need an 100% upvote for the link i have posted and upvote it whenever u will be having 100%voting power.. thank you @naseerbhat

hi I have upvoted. but I can only guarantee a 100% upvote, not a upvote with 100%VP... It is impossible for me to rest that long to vote.. this has been explained in the original post. Thanks for understanding..




Amazing explanation. Cheers for the effort Nd much love from me friend :)
I have been searching for mwthods like this but it seems that my saviour has appeared finally.
Cheers and much support from me <3

This reply is for discussing Oven Winner matters... 烤箱潛在得主請在這裡留話...

OMG!!! 我中獎了? 不是夢?! 😳😱😂

什麼?! 得獎感言? 好, 我要多謝爸媽, 帥到掉渣的劉兄, 還有..... 。( 給 cue ) 噢沒有人想听我內心感受? !!

好吧! 😞 我有親人在台灣, 地址可以用?

哇!恭喜啊,沒想到你是真的有地址可以提供... 那就是你啦!HF19 烤箱得主出爐啦!恭喜 @nuagnorab (雖然我要抱怨一下你很難聯絡,否則第一時間就可以確認你是贏家的!)

敬請到 steemit.chat (沒註冊的話就註冊一個吧) 找到我 (同名帳號),然後給我台灣的收件地址與姓名!當然你願意曝光直接在這裡給也是可以啦.... 另外提醒,請於收到後幫烤箱拍拍照片(如是台灣親戚,就請他們拍再傳給你),然後寫篇中文得獎文章放上來吧!我會給你這篇100%讚的.... 寫雙語的話,我日後會再補一個讚給你其他篇文章,表示鼓勵雙語...


在steemit.chat 給你留了言了, 非常感謝 :)


嗯!看你何時方便都可以寄,再次謝謝 :)

I do not understand the language of the post @deanliu

i follow you,,, please follow back

What can we be friends: D
And also help each other to vote each other :)
Please often see my blog too ... and do not forget to vote
And follow me back

成功避开所有奖项,oh yeah


沙發發幾個... :)



劉美女辛苦啦.... congrats to all winners!


您好!客服已經受理。經查發現您是在HF19之後加入Steemit,因此不具備參加資格... 非常抱歉!祝您未來順心。




