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RE: The Secret to Earning Followers

in #howto7 years ago

Chris, I loved your tips.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to read the ENTIRE post before commenting and comment on something SPECIFIC in the post that spoke to you as an individual. I think that is probably the most practical tip you gave.

I've written around 30 actual articles here on SteemIt, and made several hundred comments. Nothing irritates me more than people who leave generic comments like "great post," or "that was really good."

It's obvious that they didn't take the time to actually read what I wrote, and I find it insulting. If you are trying to increase the amount of followers you have, that's definitely NOT the way to do it. I guess it might work for some folks who are just looking to trade a "follow" for a "follow," but I want people to follow me that will actually engage with my content.

As far as I'm concerned, where it pertains to followers, QUALITY definitely outweighs QUANTITY.

Thanks for the tips!


Hey, I just barely skimmed your comment and noticed that you used the word "SPECIFIC."

Even though I've only been the Specific Ocean a few times, I think that the west coast is beautiful and I'd love to go back. Your story about the Specific Ocean as expressed in your comment really hit home for me, and it makes me miss it. It must be nice to live so close! UPVOTED!

Hahaha the specific ocean. You made me really laugh.
I know this doesn't add anything but I still like to say thanks for the laugh:)

That was an example of what can happen when people don't really read what they are commenting on. I've seen too much of it!

Ah specific océano is beautiful 😎

Very well put! It does feel a little insulting when someone is expecting to be rewarded for proving via comment that they didn't even read your post.

My wife and I get a kick out of all those comments. The best one I think I've ever seen is "Thank you for all your advises. Here is a bunch of token." (I was given no token.)

I guess all we can do is give those folks a good example to follow; maybe they'll figure it out before too long.

BTW, later today I'm actually planning on writing a song using those comments as the lyrics. They're too funny not to compile into a humorous music video!

"Follow for follow, upvote me I upvote you, great information, check my blog out." LOL

Thanks a lot for your feedback! That's the way to add value! :D

I'm actually planning on writing a song using those comments as the lyrics. They're too funny not to compile into a humorous music video!

Too funny! I thought about that in a post a while ago.

I was trying to top the ones that I had encountered with my own, and this was the best that I could do:

  • "You my friend forever. Please upvote my posts for your happiness."

  • "This post is another example of how your posts benefit all who have ever lived and make the world shine brighter with each passing day. The only way to even attempt to improve it is by upvoting my recent post."

  • "I have followed you for two days now and you never upvote me. I no longer follow you. resteemed."

The last one was my favorite!

" I no longer follow you. resteemed." Hilarious! Yeah, the last one is gold.
I was writing some down from the trending pages yesterday...

" Bcak me vote and flow plzz"
"Nice post I am votes you please votes me all time anynews and I following you."

The best one I've seen is one I got a few months ago: "Thanks for all your advises. Here's a bunch of token."

As far as the song, I remember your post from awhile back. I'm going to take my time with this one; I think it could be really funny. For now I'm just writing down the best comments I see. I don't need to look much further than your posts. Maybe we can create some collaborative hilarity.

Thanks for commenting!

Writing a song using those comments as lyrics is a great idea. I'm sure it's going to be hysterically funny.

You'll get a kick out of this...

A few weeks back there was a member who had a rep of "1." He was going around to lots of articles written by members with reps over "60" and doing what I like to call "Steembegging."

I don't remember exactly how the comments were worded (and it's not worth my time to go back and check), but it was something to the effect of "Can you upvote me? I am trying to repair my reputation because I made mistakes but now I have learned."

Anyway, in one article that he and I were both commenting on, I noticed that the article writer asked him politely to stop "begging" or else he was going to downvote him. Well, he persisted with his crap, and I had enough of it, so I downvoted/flagged ONE of his "begging" comments.

Now, I am not a downvoter. It takes a LOT before I will downvote/flag someone.

The next day I notice that this idiot has gone and downvoted just about every post and comment I'd made in the last two weeks. Furthermore, he began stalking me and downvoting all of my comments along with making snide and insulting remarks and false accusations.

I just sat back and laughed, because his downvotes didn't hurt me at all. His rep was going back and forth between "0" and "1," and I also noticed that I was not the only one who had flagged him. There were a couple of other members he had decided to start a war with also.

Anyway, sorry for going off on a rant. The point is that begging is not looked upon too kindly on SteemIt. One thing I really like about SteemIt is that respect and authority has to be earned. It's not always easy, but it's rewarding when you finally get there.

I'm begging now! Please! Please notice me!
@contentking I find your post hilarious.

It's a love/hate relationship between you and this steemian.

Nonetheless I enjoyed everything you said and every bit. All I can say are good adjectives on how much I enjoyed it, but I don't think every steemian who has a one liner comment is just saying so for the purpose of it. They're not just as expressive as you are.

Even I'm guilty of that. I read each post but I believe that for a few of us, we just can't put our thoughts in order to communicate a much bigger thought.

I also think, that a tiny bit of, "Lovely, amazing and great," can make someone do more amazing work. :) Just my thought though. ^^


Trust me, I have absolutely NO love for this idiot. He's a complete moron who should take a course in how to behave on a social site. He's rude, crude, and abusive.

That's crazy! Yeah, that poor guy. If he'd only known that he could have been earning rewards instead of wasting his power on petty downvotes. I really do trust the way this was built.

I have a little story as well. About a week ago I did a little post in which I shared a poem and some philosophical thoughts about death and the day of the dead. The post was getting some attention. When I checked under the category tag, I found that another user had copy and pasted my entire post and posted it as his own.

What concerned me the most was that this imposter post had received a substantial whale upvote. My intial thought was, "holy crap, the whale is in cahoots with the thief!" After some discord investigation, we found that that particular whale was just mistaken; he meant to be upvoting my original post.

The user who stole my post had a whalestorm of downvotes, making his reputation negative in just a few minutes. Then the whale came to my original post and gave me a roughly $50 upvote.

This experience was a great example of "Bad things do happen here, but we can trust Steemit."

Your comment is telll how to comment and increase followers thanking you .pls tell how to find best topic and best content and i losy my reputation also 35 to to do to improve this .