Grab Your Ass a Mirror and Tell Yourself Who You Are!!!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #howto7 years ago (edited)

There isn't an excuse to have a penis and balls and be a bitch.
I don't care what your sexual orientation.
I don't care what fetishes.
If you have a dick and no hint of a vagina
you're supposed to be a fucking man
so be one!

You have balls
so use them!

If you live your life in fear
if you're molested by anxieties and worries
and you have balls
you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

You're a waste of space
you're a waste of resources
and a waste of women's time
if you don't have full access to your balls.

If you're one of the males that behaves as if he's castrated
I'd prefer that you kill yourself to be frank with you.
You're wasting elements
you don't deserve to be alive.

Here's what you're going to do if you're a loser

A.) kill yourself


B.) get your ass in front of a mirror, look deep into your eyes, and tell your bitch ass who you are!

You got that, fucker?

Either put a gun down your pathetic throat
or choose to stop being pathetic by grabbing your balls and being the man that you are.

The world has too many people as it is
so I'm not against you choosing option A
it makes better prospects for the future evolution of humanity
if you choose this option.
I'm 100% on your side if this is what you want.

you choose option B

Well then nigga
you may find it difficult to take an honest look at yourself
to bring out the man in yourself
but you have what it takes
you have the courage
you have the strength
if only you can muster them up
and take an honest look at yourself
look DEEP into your own eyes
without pretense
then tell yourself:

"You are relaxed and healthy"

(look into your eyes when you say this and MEAN IT!)

"You are strong and confident."

(don't ever look away, keep looking into your eyes, keep a face without pretense, total honesty, completely present)

"You are natural and present"

(don't flinch. keep looking into your eyes and know that what you say is true)

Repeat these words three or four times
making sure to follow all of the above advice.
Then change out the "you" for "I" and repeat it three or four more times:

"I am relaxed and healthy."

"I am strong and confident."

"I am natural and present."

(don't be a bitch now, keep looking into your eyes, don't smile, don't do anything except saying it like you mean it, like it's the truth, because it IS THE GODDAMN TRUTH, NIGGA!)

That's just the warm-up
even women can be those things
consider that the foundation to having access to your balls.

now comes the time to reach into your masculinity
are you ready?

don't take your eyes off the reflection of your eyes in the mirror
not even to sneeze
not even if a bitch goes down on you while you're looking into the mirror at yourself.
Keep your eyes on the prize.

Now say these words
say them like you know they're true:

"You love yourself."
"You don't give a fuck what other people think about you."
"You're a bad-ass." (feel free to add in "mother-fucker" at the end if it feels right)
"You know that you're the shit."

Just like before
repeat these lines three or four times
then switch out "I" for "you" and repeat three or four more times.

"I love myself."
"I don't give a fuck what other people think about me."
"I'm a bad-ass."
"I know that I'm the shit."

Now take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror
and to realize how much those words have affected you.

Notice how they seem like they might be true
of course they are you fool!

That's how shit works
you tell yourself something enough and it becomes real
it becomes your reality.

It's only thoughts that made you believe you're anything less than a masculine man.
a mere thought doesn't have one thousandth the power of seeing yourself tell yourself what you are.
Especially since the words that are spoken (above) are based on the truth.
When truth is on your side all boundaries and obstacles can be broken.

The key is to stick with it
and push through the resistances.

Repeat this mirror exercise as often as you need
in order to be everything that you say you are.

You might be surprised how quickly and drastically you can transform yourself into a force of a man.


I am a confident, fearless badass.
I don't give a fuck what people think about me.
I love myself.
I am relaxed and present.

He's so relaxed and present.
He's so confident and sexy.
He's so charismatic.
He's so put together and in control.
He's everything I want in a man.
He's perfect.
I want to be with him.
He makes me horny.
I'm crazy for him.
I want him to fuck me.