How can protect our environment

in #how3 years ago

How can protect our environment we should be keep our green space chemical free don't buy single use plastic shop locally, shop organically ,record the wildlife near you ,re-use and recycle reduce your carbone foot print avoid peat - based composts plant pollinator - friendly plants let's talk about the history of environmental human kind has always been concerned about the environment.the ancient Greek were the first to develop environment
Philosophy and they were followed by other major civilization such as India china .in more recent times the concern for the environment has increased because of growing awareness of the ecological crises the club of remove a think tank was among the first to warn the world about the pollution in its reports "the limts to growth " 1972" the eliminating amount of meat ,fish or Dairy you eat each day doing this will help to cut green House gas emissions and reduce energy consumption according to an independent article you could reduce Your carbon footprint just by incorporating a vegan diet you can find rescue able mask
At just about any retailer and they are just as effective desposlable mask are extremely was
Wasteful ,and if you want to feel especially convicted ,recycling is such a simple things to do ,but so many people do not it many grabage disposable companies offer recycling services ,so check with the company you are to see if they can help you get started it is as simple as getting a bin and putting it also check with your RA to see if recycling option are offered in your dron.

