How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes

in #how8 years ago

I smoked for over 13 years and I tried quitting at least 10 times. Once I went 6 months without it, but would always end up right back in its arms somehow. Thanks to all of my failures at quitting, I gained some wisdom that I would like to share with you all.

As with most habits, our mind is more addicted than our body. The withdrawal symptoms from cigarettes are very minimal, compared to heroin for example. I've also noticed that certain addictions, generally tobacco or alcohol, are passed down from our ancestors. (that's another topic for another time though).

So how can you quit smoking cigarettes?

  1. Mentally prepare yourself - start disassociating cigarettes with joy. Replace the idea that cigarettes bring you joy and instead that they disgust you, or they hurt to inhale. This is crucial for your success in quitting.
  2. Start journaling - it helps tremendously . Write down your thoughts. Reflect on why you started smoking, what is it about smoking that keeps you going back? If you truly want to quit, why haven't you?

Here are some more questions to reflect on:

a. What first got you addicted to cigarettes?
b. How many times during the day do you smoke? What specific times do you smoke each day (i.e. before lunch, when you first wake up) .
c. What triggers you to smoke? (food, alcohol, work/school related "stress", emotions)
d. Since you want to quit, what has stopped you from quitting?

The first few days of quitting cigarettes is perceivably the most difficult. (although this is all subjective) Once you figure out what triggers you to smoke each time, you can shift your mindset to no longer want a cigarette when those triggers happen.

is it really that simple?

Yes it is. When you're a smoker, you have conditioned yourself to want a cigarette when specific situations or circumstances to arise. It's really as easy to quit as it is to start. Nicotine is only as addictive as we tell ourselves it is. Cigarettes are only as addictive as we agree they are. Before you started smoking , or even when you first started, you might remember hearing, "don't start smoking, it's addictive". We have been conditioned to believe that once we are attached and best friends with cigarettes that we can't quit.

It's a damn lie.

You can quit whenever you want, if you want. You have to be mentally strong. Shift your mindset and you will quit smoking cigarettes.

There's a lot of quit smoking information on the internet. There are <a href= "

" Youtube playlists with binaural beats like this one.

I quit smoking over 2 years ago and have no desire to go back. Cigarettes and the smell of cigarettes actually disgust me now. And I grew up in NY so there were nights in the city where I would pay $15 for a pack because I was too desperate to wait until I got back to Queens or Long Island. Cigarettes used to run my life. I planned my day around them, I lived for them. After years of trying to quit, these basic principles guided me in doing so. The journal especially was really helpful. I think it was just seeing the words in my handwriting and knowing how much control cigarettes had in my life that really pushed me to quit. I hope this post gives you the inspiration and the courage to know that you can do it. Because you can. I've been there, please don't hesitate to reach out for advice.

Are you a smoker that's tried quitting before? If so, how many times have you tried?

Peace and love to you all. If you enjoyed my post, please upvote it and follow me to stay up to date with my adventures + thoughts.



Just quit and don't tell yourself that you will never smoke again, you will only make yourself crazy and think about it all day. Just think: 'I might smoke again, but not now. Thats how I quit 9 years ago after 10 years of smoking.

Congratulations on reaching 9 years! That's truly amazing. If you could give another tip to help anyone trying to quit, what would it be?

I am trying to quit smoking. I started smoking 3 years ago and I am smoking around a pack daily...

Thanks for this post

thanks for reading jwolf! :) Just know when you're ready to quit, you can and you will. You got this! Xox

Some of this I agree with and some I don't, but I do like the article nonetheless. Addiction and quitting certain things can be very challenging, especially when it has been programmed for so long in our brain. I don't consider changing the habit to thinking its disgusting though, will help all that much. Because from some people perspective thats just planting a seed that isn't true for them. But it can be in due time.

I have a post on addiction as well, its more about porn though. Come check it out if you are interested. Thanks for your thoughts!

Thanks for reading love :) I appreciate you being honest, its okay to not agree with me. I do agree that it can be challenging, it took me many years to quit. From my experience, planting that seed took a freaking LOT of planting. Like that was multiple seeds lol. Its like growing an avocado tree :P , I definitely agree with you though

I caught some of your post earlier through FB, will read the rest and share my thoughts with you . ^_^