A Sexual Desire StorysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #hot7 years ago

It was 2 past noon and the light from Kyalic—a red dwarf, but quite close—was far too bright.

"Fuck," Zoya said as she swayed the scanner over the bush again. Still nothing. No signs of fauna. The wind began to pick up, sending a chill through her spine.

"Nothing?" Miyumi asked, surprised that she swore. Zoya was such a petite, shy girl.

"Sorry," Zoya apologized. "No, nothing."

"Well. . . there's some bushes up ahead. We'll scan those."

Zoya stood up and stretched out her arms, yawning. She was tired and irritated and the mission was not going well. It was her second: mega-planet Tyrene, huge, hilly and beautiful, with much still undiscovered. Scientists theorized that only plants evolved upon it, but the theory wasn't confirmed. ISO-9—the seventh largest intergalactic corporation—was paying good money for its exploration and documentation, with bonuses for new species found. And if non-plant forms of life were found, the bonuses were enough to retire on for a year.

This mission was particularly taxing: to find non-plant life in an already mapped sector. Hours of scanning plants, looking for something which might not be there.

Miyumi, a veteran with over 50 missions under her belt, didn't mind the work, even when tedious. She knew how to make the best of it, and a simple and mostly hazardless planet like Tyrene was a cakewalk for her. Plus she had her eye on Zoya. 23, unfreckled for a redhead, thin, petite and sexy in a bookish way, Zoya was exactly Miyumi's type. ISO-9 forbid work trysts of any sort, even for management, but that never stopped Miyumi from fantasizing.

The wind howled. Zoya groaned. Despite the cold and her thick black jacket, she was sweating.

"Do you think maybe we should take a break?" she asked.

Miyumi looked at her watch. "Well. . . I suppose we can. It's a little early."

"Yeah, well. . . today is a bad day."

Miyumi smirked. "You said that yesterday."

"Yesterday was bad too."

"Maybe it's your outlook that's bad."

"Maybe. . . It's just more tedious than I thought it would be. The work, I mean."

"Yes," Miyumi sighed, "it's a lot of the same, over and over. But, trust me, when you find something you can bonus on, it's awesome. Nothing like it."

Zoya frowned. "I do want that bonus."

"Me too."

Zoya looked to the next group of bushes.

"Besides," Miyumi continued, "at least we don't have to wear masks. And the gravity isn't bad. It's a little cold, but it's a nice planet. I like it here."

Zoya smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just so dull."

"Awww," Miyumi cooed. "Well, it's only your second mission. As time goes on, you'll find things to like about it."


Miyumi yawned and stretched. "Let's go back to the ship for a bit. I'll make some tea. We'll relax. Break the tedium."



The two sat outside the ship in their bacchanium-alloy folding chairs sipping orifel tea, a thin glass hover-table floating between them. They had landed on a mesa overlooking the Tyrenean sea and, paradoxically, it was warmer up high. Neither needed to wear a jacket.

She didn't want to admit it to herself, but Zoya was starting to like Miyumi. She'd liked her since she first saw her—raven black hair cut short at her shoulders, porcelain white skin, a cute, fragile face, mischievous smile, large brown eyes, black form-fitting tights displaying her perfect figure. Nothing not to like.

Plus, Miyumi had what Zoya lacked: confidence.

But work relationships were a bad idea. If it was found out, both would be fired. ISO-9 was strict. People still did it, of course, but Zoya was a by-the-book girl. And it was her first job out of university—she wasn't about to ruin that. Miyumi might not be into girls, anyway.

"So what would you do if you did find an animal or something here?" Miyumi asked. "With the bonus money, I mean."

Zoya sipped her tea and thought.

"I don't know. There's so much I could do. I just. . . I like money, I guess. I want it in my bank account. Just to know it's there. Of course, I'd buy a lot of new outfits. More shoes. I'd pay off my loans. But, first, some new outfits."

Miyumi smiled. "You're such a girl. Even worse than me."

"I am." Zoya grinned. "What would you do?"

"Good question. Honestly, I have enough outfits. I'd really like to get my own place outside the city. A nice little house in the suburbs. As far away from the city as possible. I grew up in the suburbs, you know. A small town called Clovis." She drank down the last of her tea.

"Yeah." Zoya said. "That mustn't been great. I wish I grew up in a small town."

"The people are awful, but the scenery is great. Lots of nature."

"The people are awful?"

"Close minded. Judgmental. Especially of girls like me."

Zoya took another sip of tea. "Girls like you?"

"Yes. Futanari."


"Oh. . . I didn't know."

"Yeah. . . I mean, no one really knows unless you tell them. Or they see you nude."

Zoya glanced into her cup, wishing it wasn't empty, wishing Miyumi hadn't said that. Though a lesbian, Zoya was always curious about futas. That was her kink, though unexplored. She lost her virginity to a guy and she'd had girlfriends in the past use strap-ons, but no futas. Futas were rare, after all 1 in 20,000. Zoya had only seen them in movies.

Fuck my luck she thought. I finally meet a futa my age and we're both contractually forbidden from hooking up. She scowled into her empty tea cup, thinking of something to say.

"Are you okay?" Miyumi asked.

Zoya blushed. "Yes. Just. . . I didn't know."

"Well. . . yeah. I guess I should have said something."

"Oh, I don't have a problem with it. I just—"

Zoya stopped herself. She didn't dare say what she wanted to say. When it came to love or money, Zoya had long ago picked her side. There was no changing it.

Miyumi laughed. "Oh God! You're red!"

Zoya blushed harder, now annoyed. "Why? Are you a futa-hater?" Miyumi asked playfully.

"No," Zoya said. "I just. . . blush easy."

"You sure do."

Zoya got up to get herself some more tea. "We should probably get back to work."

Miyumi laughed again. "Yeah."

"Out of all those bushes, how many have a real animal on them, you think?" Zoya asked, plaintively.

"Don't worry about it. Enjoy the fresh air. Exercise. It's just a job. You could be in a cubicle, drowning in data."


The two folded their chairs and put them back in the ship. More tedium. Aerial scans of the whole surface found nothing in terms of non-plant life. Every manually scanned mission before them found nothing. Zoya was sure they, too, would find nothing. No bonus—only regular wages.

Still, it was the job Zoya wanted. Specimen gathering, planetary exploration, the occasional freight piloting—real adventure in all cases. Not her usual bookishness. It was her way to go beyond herself and, so far, despite the tedium, it was working.

Miyumi didn't care. Bonuses were nice, but she wasn't like Miyumi. She needed to be out, exploring. She'd done it as a little girl and she would do it till she died.

The wind picked up, sending a biting cold through them both. Shivering, they quickly put on their jackets.


Zoya was uncharacteristically quiet as the two scanned a new set of bushes for non-plant lifeforms. She was often quiet, but she had said nothing at all in the past three hours. Miyumi knew why: from the way Zoya acted, it wasn't bigotry. It was lust. Or, more innocently, infatuation. The thought of a girl with a cock turned her on. Perhaps too much. Miyumi could already tell. Shy girls like her were easy to read.

"Why are you so quiet?" Miyumi asked. Zoya paused from her scanning and sighed.

"Tired I suppose."



"That tea should've woken you up."

"It didn't."

Miyumi yawned. "I guess I'm tired, too."

Zoya's scanner pinged loudly. She gasped. "I got something!" she said.

Miyumi ran over to her and looked into her scanner. Carbon dioxide, 0.90.

"Something's breathing!"

Zoya zeroed in on the source, then switched to infra-red. A small red dot gleamed against the blue. Whatever it was, it was warm and motionless and hanging on a branch.

"Holy fuck!" Miyumi squealed. "Look at that!"

"I see it. Do you have your specimen jar ready?"


Zoya tried not to shake as she placed the small vacuum-nozzle near the red dot's location. She flicked the button and it began to suck. The red dot zipped away from her screen.

"Got it!" she said.

"Oh my God! We're going to be rich!" Miyumi held out the jar as Zoya placed the nozzle in. Flicking the button again, a tiny zip noise sounded. Then silence.

"Scan it." Zoya said.

Miyumi held the jar above her head and waved her scanner over it.

"Yep!" she said with a grin. "We've got him."

"I wonder what he is. He's so small," Zoya said. "3 millimeters Oh my God. . . I could get bonus, maybe. If it's what I think it is, I mean."

"It is. No plant is going to give off that signature. You're set! Bonus time." Miyumi wrapped her arms around Zoya, squeezing her tight. Miyumi felt so warm and good, Zoya thought she would melt. She hugged her back, awkwardly and almost trembling.

"If I get a little house out in the suburbs, you'll visit me, right?" Miyumi asked.

"S-sure." Zoya stuttered.

"Good. Fuck, I love it! I can't believe it! Rich!"

Realizing she was half-hard, Miyumi pulled away. Be professional, she told herself, thinking about her money.

Zoya, still stunned, pulled away.

"Oh my," she said. "Should we call HQ?"

"Yes! They may even send a crew out. I know I gave you a pep talk before but I really didn't expect to find anything. I can't believe it!"

They smiled at each other in silence. For a moment, tedium gave way to greed as they each pondered what they would do with their fat bonuses, now that it was assured. Still smiling, the two walked back to the ship to make their victory call.


Later that evening, the two were still reeling from the high of finding their specimen. Zoya reported to HQ and they said they could both take rest of the day off and go back early, if they wanted. After Zoya sent her data, it didn't take long for HQ to confirm she had, in fact, found an animal specimen—likely a form of insect. The consensus scientist's theory was confirmed false. Mission completed. Kyalic was just beginning to set on the horizon, the sky was a strange and beautiful melange of purple shades, and the tea Miyumi made had never tasted so good. Both were on their third cup, seated comfortably on their bacchanium-alloy folding chairs overlooking the Tyrenean sea as it caught and spread the evening twilight across its rippling waves.

"I still can't believe it," Miyumi said.

Zoya looked over to her and grinned. "Mission completed."

"Do you know how many missions before us found nothing?"

"How many?"

"Over 80."


Miyumi stretched her neck and popped her knuckles. She felt too good. After the mission, her account would be 56,000 vijous richer. Just the thought of it made her hot—she'd fuck her bank account if she could. Something about big paydays always made her horny.

She looked at Zoya. She looked so innocent. She blushed so hard when she learned I had a cock. How cute.

Miyumi felt her cock begin to harden.

"Do you think the weather will be good enough for us to sleep outside tonight?" Zoya asked. "I want to see the stars. It was so cloudy last night."

"Yeah," Miyumi said. "I checked. Tonight's the perfect night."


"Fuck, it's been over year since I bonused, you know. And even then, it wasn't much. Most of the missions I've been on had no bonuses. You're lucky you bonused on your second one."

"Yeah," Zoya replied. "I am. I'm kind of scared, because I know that. . . well. . . other missions will probably be a let down. No bonus. Lots of boring stuff."

Miyumi laughed.

"Quit being negative. Would you rather be in an office?"

"No. Maybe."

"You're such a downer."


"No worries. It's cute."

Miyumi gulped nervously. She hadn't intended to say that. She looked over to Zoya again to see her blushing as hard as before.

"Sorry. . ." Miyumi said.

Zoya remained silent.

God I want to fuck this girl. Outside. Below the stars.

"Want more tea?" she asked.

"Yes, sure. Thank you." Zoya whispered, still reeling from Miyumi's comment. Zoya hated being such a shy nerd, but it couldn't be helped. At least she would get over it, soon.

Miyumi got up and went back in the ship, plotting what she should do.

If I come on to her, she might report me. She wouldn't do that, though. What if she went with it? How the hell would HQ know anyway? It's not like they're watching us. But I don't really know her well. I don't want to risk that bonus.

The tea was finished. Miyumi poured two cups and went back outside. Zoya looked forlorn.

"Here you are," Miyumi said, setting Zoya's tea on the hover table.

"Thank you." Zoya whispered.

She's like a little bird, Miyumi thought. I really shouldn't have called her cute.

"It'll be awesome falling asleep beneath the stars," Miyumi said, breaking the ice. "They're so beautiful. Multicolored, too. The atmosphere here magnifies them and changes their colors. It's like. . ."

"Jewels?" Zoya interrupted.

"Yes. Jewels."


Zoya was feeling better. She reasoned that Miyumi wasn't interested in her. She was just brash. Or rude. Something along those lines. But it was nothing. And even if it was something, it was forbidden. Nothing to waste anytime thinking about.

Zoya sipped her tea. "Such good tea," she said.

"Yeah. My favorite blend. Orifel. Ever had it before?"


"Cool. You can buy a lot with your bonus, I'm sure."

"Thank you. I think I will."

"I know I will."

The two fell silent, staring out at the sea, not knowing what the night would bring.


Zoya awkwardly spread her sleeping mat upon the ground, propping its back up against the ship's cool, gray hull, then pressed its inflater. After a brief hissing sound, the mat expanded. She smiled.

"I hope it's comfortable," she said.

"It will be. Mine is" Miyumi said, her own mat already having been spread and inflated.

Zoya looked at the sky. Despite Miyumi's forecast, it was half-clouded over.

"Do you think they'll pass?" she asked, maneuvering herself on to her make-shift bed.

"The clouds?"


"Of course."

She squinted, staring at a dark, cloudless patch.

"I think I see them. A few. Maybe."

"The atmosphere is strange. After Kyalic sets, the sky goes dark. Then, after a few hours, the stars come out. They stay for a few hours, then it gets dark. Then Kyalic rises again."

"I see. What causes that?"

"The Namilore Effect—the plants here exhale a vapor which rises in the heat, full of small particulates. The particulates absorb light, but they're not dense enough to form clouds. When the atmosphere cools, they descend, but it takes a while. So, on most nights, they absorb the star light for a few hours. Then it clears."

"I see."

It had been two days since she met Miyumi, but Zoya could tell she was falling fast. There, illumined by the ship's red glow next to her partner, their mats spread out on the mesa ground beneath the big night sky, Zoya felt strange. And good. She stared up, silent, her thoughts mixing. Miyumi was more than beautiful to her. But she knew nothing would come of it. That was Zoya's way: the girl of perpetual shyness, always pining away for someone, nestled safely in her thoughts. It was better than reality. Reality was absurd and cruel. Messy. Far better to fantasize.

"What are you thinking about?" Miyumi asked, snapping Zoya from her reverie.


"You're quiet. What are you thinking?"

"Oh. Nothing."


Miyumi shifted on her mat. Zoya noticed the sound: naked skin on the fabric. Miyumi's leg.

"I'm thinking about money," Miyumi said. "Lots of it." She giggled.


"Yeah. You're not?"

Zoya smiled. "No. I was thinking about the sky. The stars."

"You might be asleep before you see them."

"I'll stay up."

Damn, Miyumi thought. How is it possible that I'm not curled up by her side, right now? She couldn't understand it. Her cock was half-hard, sensitive. It needed to be touched.

They probably do have sensors monitoring us. They'll know. There's probably a crew monitoring us right now, laughing.

Miyumi knew her thoughts weren't true, but she had to think them. Protocol was protocol. Rules were rules. No trysts on the job—the matter, and the way, was clear.

She sighed, her cock gently aching.

Oh, but if we did. . . the things I would do to her.

"So you'll buy a lot of outfits, huh?"

"Yeah," Zoya said.

"Maybe I'll go shopping with you."

"That would be great."

"You could give me some fashion advice."

Zoya laughed. "You probably don't need it."

"Who knows? Maybe I do."


The two fell silent again. The stars had still not come.


Then something changed in Miyumi. She had to have Zoya—or at least try. She knew she shouldn't. She knew it was a risk. She knew what the consequences could be. She knew, also, how stupid it was to jeopardize her career—especially right after a bonus. All that money, forfeited. For what? Sex?

She didn't care.

No, for a brief second, the desire was too much—Zoya, laying there in the glow of the ship, so curious and shy—was too tempting a prospect. She had to test the waters and see. Perhaps nothing would come of it.

And part of her hoped that was true.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" she asked nonchalantly, but knowing exactly where such questioning would lead.

"No. Not lately." Zoya replied, hesitantly.

"Me neither"

The two went silent again. Miyumi reasoned that if Zoya was interested, she would say something. She didn't. Miyumi felt relieved.

"How does that work, exactly?" Zoya blurted out.

"What do you mean?"

Miyumi turned and faced Zoya.

"I mean. . . well, you have what you have. Do boys like it?"

"Some do."


"Wouldn't you?"

Zoya grinned. "Well, yeah. But I'm a girl."

"It's true. Not all guys like it."

"I see."

The silence returned.

"Well," Miyumi asked, "do you have a girlfriend, then?"

"No. Never. I-"

"You don't like girls?"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. It just never happened."

"Yeah. I get it."

Zoya squirmed. "How about you?" she asked.

"No girlfriend either. Not in a while." Miyumi said.

"So you like girls?"

"Yes. Even better than boys. Much better."

"Wow. I didn't know."

"It's true."

Miyumi said nothing more, letting Zoya stew in her arousal until she asked the crucial question that all shy, curious girls inevitably ask about futas. The plan was working. She knew exactly what she was doing, each step of the way, without fail. Girls like Zoya weren't hard to figure out: being shy, they had rich fantasy lives. And the prospect of a fantasy coming true was too tempting to pass up, if given the chance. But to give them the chance, they must feel comfortable. And comfort comes from familiarity. The conversation must make them feel comfortable. Anything they ask is okay—and, always, their questioning would unveil their intent. Miyumi had done it many times before: start talking about sex in its most chaste terms—boyfriend, girlfriend—then, like clockwork, the shy girl would ask about Miyumi's cock. And that would be all it took. Over-arousal would set in. Then the shy, passive girl would do anything—anything at all.

It was so easy—too easy.

Miyumi almost felt bad about it.



"Have you seen one before?" Miyumi asked, her voice disinterested and withdrawn.

". . . Stars?" Zoya replied.

"No silly. A real live cock. I mean, I'm sure you've seen one on a guy before, right? You're not that shy, are you?"


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