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RE: Mountain trip- horses- kananaskis, AB

in #horses8 years ago

Wow, you post brings back such good memories of my first horseback riding experience in the Andes Mountain of Ecuador. This was about 6 months ago. I've always shied away from horseback riding, I think that has to do with Christopher Reeves traumatic accident, stuck in my head since I was a little.
But that's another story.

I was a little timid at first, but I loved it. At this time in my life I was at a crossroads. Do I buy land in Ecuador, settle down, have a couple horses, start a family, a nice garden, and so on. After some serious meditation and going inward. I've realized, I'm not Ecuadorian nor do I want to spend my life there. I get bored staying in the same place for too long anyway.

I'm the World Travel Pro! Traveling is what I love and what I do best. I live out of a backpack, and realized I basically have been doing that for over 10 years. and I'm only 34. I've had to get pages added to my passport I've traveled so much!

But that doesn't mean I won't get back in the saddle as it was an incredible experience. To connect with an animal in that way can not be described. As a form of transportation, with it's on personality and was a real trip! (no pun intended)

Anyway thank you for sharing and reminding me of my own experience on horseback. I hope you enjoyed my reply/story. I've only been on Steemit a month. I write travel reports, no fluff, with a rating system and everything.And will be doing many more of them soon. People really seem to enjoy my reports as my following is growing fast. Hope you check it out. I'll certainly be following you! Thanks for sharing!

Dan- 'World Travel Pro"


Welcome Dan....

I encouage you to get back on...
Any thing you do seem to have risk now adays.... we use to bike without helmets... ride i nthe back of vehicles and swing to high the chains would loop.... And hang our faces off the siddes of merrigo rounds....

now there is way to many rules and standards.... I get to be safe .. but man kid need to be kids....

Yes connecting with a 1300lb prey animal is amazing.. Sometimes i ride with a string... no gimmicks just me and my horse on another level.....

I could never travel like you so keep it up and happy trails!!!!!

What a nice reply. Totally agree. Besides years of travel, the horseback riding was also part of breaking all that psychological fear based conditioning I grew up with. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Next time I have the chance I'll certainly ride again!