Horse and cattle show
The horse and cattle show is held in lahore in the spring season every year it started as a simple hunt show in 1952 it developed gradually and grew bigger and bigger now it has become the latgest single show in the country it has enjoyed by hundreds and thousand of men women and childrrn from all of over the country such shows are also held in other cities of the punjab on a smaller scale man has enjpyed centuries old relationship with animals cave man hunted wild animals for food but this was not happy connection as time passed man devolped a loving and friendly relationship with animals bulls cows and buffaloesgoates sheep donkeys horse camel etc become domastic animals livestok has cone to play in inportant role in the lives of about 35million people in pakistan maby kinds of cattle are exhibited in the horse and cattle show cattle breeders from all parts of country bring there cattle with them they compete with one an other in this way they learn from one another and improve the quality of animals in the country it is a kind of education horse is the symbol of the horse and cattle show a horse has been one of the best friend of the man it has served man in both war and peace in the horse and cattle show horses take part in games like polo tent pegging jumping and racing these games show up the speed and stamina of the horse they also gives the rider an opportunity to show there skill and bravery Tent Pigging it is a thrilling game a rider with a spar in his hand runs on a track at a great speed he is requird to up root a marked peg this page is fixed in the ground at a distance of 70 mitter from the starting point the roder leans of the right side and tries to up root the marked peg with the spear in this act he has to balance himself on the running horse
Horse Jumping
The horse taking part in this game enter the erena and show their jumping avility one by one a course is set for the horses and they are required to jump hurldles and fances these hurldres and fences are set at diffrent angles and heights skilful riders clear these hurdles easily
POLO two teams of horse riders take part in this game they have mallets in their hands they hit the polo ball with these mallets and try to score goals against there opponets light and fast running horses are selected for these games they are also given special traning for the purpose
TATTO tatto show was added to the horse and cattle show in the early fifties the world tatto means giving a signal by drum and bugle to call soldiers back to there quarters in the evening but it has now become and entertainment programme of music and other items these items are presented by lighting lamps and torches or sports lights