Horoscopes for Aries - Aug 25, 2019

in #horoscopes5 years ago

Aug 25, 2019 - Are you picking up on some unsettling feelings from a friend who lives far away, Aries? You may wonder if there's something wrong in this person's life. Perhaps you'd better give your friend a call. You'll probably find out that whatever is troubling him or her is minor and nothing that can't be dealt with. Anyway, it will be good to catch up!
The opportunity to really understand the reason for a lot of unsettling behavior comes your way today. The planetary energy allows you to talk with certain individuals who can help you to move your relationship to a new and deeper level. It may be that you decide to share a new activity with your partner. You could perhaps take up yoga, or meditate together to increase your ability to truly relate.
Sitting at the drawing board with a plan in mind will not bring in a tremendous amount of support. Once you actually get moving on this plan, however, support will come in from all sides. Take the first steps on your own and others will follow suit.
You have a lot of powerful energy helping you achieve your goals and build financial security for your family this week. The cosmos is providing you with opportunities to travel for work and learn a lot more on the job so you can charge more the next time around! Pay attention to what you can use. Since the planets are getting along famously, you have the ingredients for success at hand.
Get plenty of rest while this planetary alignment lasts. You will likely have active dreams and it is worthwhile to write them down and take note of what you find meaningful in them. Your physical energy may feel low but your mental energy is high: this is a time to continue exercising but perhaps in a more mellow way (yoga?). This is a time to let your mind have a long reach - expand your personal time to include meditative practices such as walking and reading.