The stars speak ! Affiliate HOROSCOPE for Aries !

in #horoscope7 years ago


21 March - 20 April
Fire element
Characteristic Cardinal, male, positive
Planet Mars
Favorable partnerships Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Unfavorable partnerships Aquarius, Capricorn, Virgo
Happy Numbers 1, 8, 9
Day Wednesday
Season Spring
Red Colour
Stone Rubin, Diamond, Amethyst, Elmaz 



Aries - Gemini


Strong sensations, adrenaline and challenges. You are unlikely to find enough strength to keep your relationship. In case you doubt you will have to first try to understand the casual and loving adventures of the twin nature. And the twins will have to restrain their quest to embark on new adventures, thus neglecting openly the desire for security The fiery ram. It is not excluded that at the very beginning of your relationship you suffer from jealousy and emotionally insensitive. The way you can resolve your disagreements is to share in detail not only the joyous but also the sad thoughts, not to miss the chance to speak aloud and the fears that do not give you peace at night. Even if you do some of the above tips, your relationship will be at least half happy, exciting and full of surprises.


Aries - Cancer


The character of the parody of the zodiac signs of ram and cancer is hard to determine, as both of these signs have a strong need for tenderness, caress and attention. The difference, however, is significant, as the ram is unpredictable at times, while the cancer is trying to plan its life for a long time, avoiding sudden changes and adventurous projects. The dynamics of the ram and the organized world of cancer are in the opposite direction, but that is what attracts them to each other. If they wish to share their lives together for a long time, they will have to take the partner to themselves as they are and to support him in his personal aspirations. Recommendation to the ram: Testify more often your attachment to your favorite cancer by preparing it in advance for your future intentions. Do not overdo surprises.


Aries - Sagittarius


The direct attitude, the excitement, the love of the movement, the new, the exciting - these are the qualities that connect you. Attracting in this connection is irresistible. You can not be in love with one another at the very first moment that you've seen. Passion is the driving force, and jealousy gives you the opportunity to appreciate man by man. Dangers in the relationship come in the moment when neither of you thinks whether speaking a certain truth will damage the dignity of your mate. Keep your phone near you to smooth misunderstandings with ease. Your reason is more than necessary in order not to lose the most expensive with the utterance of a word. Remember that freedom is part of your appetite.


Aries - Virgo


At first glance, these two personalities are complementary. But the truth is that in order for this relationship to exist, it is necessary not only patience and perseverance, but also willingness on both sides to give up their harmful habits, namely to lead their lives with a strong will, ignoring the needs of others. In case you have not yet realized what a heavy load you have taken on your back, you should know that loving and fully accepting the beliefs of your beloved will help keep your relationship. The virgin dear can learn from the ram how to live without having to constantly worry about the little things of everyday life. And the ram itself can receive a very important lesson on practicality on the part of the virgin, which will give him the rare opportunity to put order in disorder around and within himself. Consider this is not a legitimate challenge in your life? At least, the risk can make you wiser and more open to the strangeness that surrounds you daily.


Aries - Capricorn


If you want your alliance to be constructive and successful for both of you, you must have common goals, ideals, or understandings about the world around you. You can greatly complement yourself, and you can not create a harmonious relationship. Capricorn will begin to take some risks, and the ram will learn more perseverance and patience to achieve the goals. Maybe your only problems will come from the fact that you will hardly express your emotion and feelings. Rather, the ram will have to compromise in this respect in order for the puppet to be able to relax in the romantic outflow. Do not aim for a race!

Aries - Taurus


The partnership between these two characters is difficult, but not impossible. To keep your relationship long, the rambunctious temper of the ram must often be curtailed by the patient calf, which will most likely maintain the harmony in the relationship between you. In the event that you can complement yourself by accepting the strangeness of your characters, your relationship will turn out to be good and fruitful for both of your tandem. The ram will have gleaming plans, and the calf will have to do it by learning to risk it before. If you can not find the right balance among you, you will soon find yourself in the world of chaos.


Aries - Libra


In this case, it will be more than necessary for the scale to take the initiative entirely in its own hands. On the scales, they will often want the fiery ram to be a little more compelling with their increased emotionality and control their impulsiveness. It is extremely important to keep an eye on each other so you can go through the sudden storms that occur between you and the desired coast. The scale must achieve aspirations with diplomatic and great patience, and the ram will not be so straightforward and open to its mate to not hurt her. Forget the word "impossible" in your relationship to experience truly exciting moments together.


Aries - Scorpio


Harmonious and promising is the relationship between ram and scorpion. You can together experience funny moments and unforgettable fun. Keep in mind that in order to continue your romantic journey in the future, it will be necessary for the ram to make efforts to better understand the scorpion's internal scrambled world. Scorpio, in turn, in the moments of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction should avoid being isolated, but sharing his anguish with his half ram. It is imperative in your relationship to avoid the lack of sincerity, because it is precisely the mistrust that can cause both of you great pain. Do not be fooled into thinking that the leadership position is more important than yourself.


Aries - Aries


The fiery temperaments of these equal representatives of the zodiac will initially be attracted to their similar interests, aspirations and aspirations. It is quite possible that you have started your relationship in a hard time for both. Difficulties will come in the moment when one of them will have to make more compromises and pay more attention to the person next to him. The conflicts will be caused by the dissatisfaction that none of you gets the attention and understanding. If you wish, despite the obstacles created by your strong personalities, to keep this connection firmly, then one must sacrifice your ego.


Aries - Leo


The alliance between the ram and the lion is beneficial as both parties in the relationship will struggle to draw the partner's attention to themselves. Try not to make this struggle to be a quest for a leading role in the relationship, as it can cost you a lot of headaches due to ridiculous misunderstandings. It is essential to keep your passionate emotion and not to seek to stifle the person to you. Respect personal and foreign space to enjoy your affection for a long time. Try to allocate your duties and responsibilities correctly so that you do not create situations in which you will argue unnecessarily, as this will inevitably grow into conflict. Tolerance will be your true helper when you encounter difficulties. Do not let the grayness of everyday life, monotony and boredom stand between you, because there is a danger that the thrill will disappear.


Aries - Fish


This is a union of extremes. The fiery heat of the ram will often be extinguished by the doubts of the watermark. Unbelievable fish ease the resolve and activity of the rams with clever use of the knowledge and wisdom they possess. The mysterious and deep nature of the fish will always be tempting and desired by the ram. That is why it will be the reason to return continually in the hope that it will be able to discover a new mystery this time.


Aries - Aquarius


Both signs appreciate the beauty of life and strive for full happiness. The ways in which they achieve the objectives set and the methods they apply differ. The ram counts on the action and the aggressive, persistent approach, and the Aquarius waits and then calmly takes the first step, providing close support to loved ones and associates, because in case of omission or error they should have a support. Their understanding of romance is radically different, as the ram burns with its passion, while the vodka seeks spiritual contact and relies on gentleness. Knowing the weak and strong aspects of your characters, you will help to open your heart to your loved one. Evaluate the risks.