Homestead Photography Winners and Moving Forward With The Contest
Hello everyone! Let me first start off with a thank you to everyone who participated, upvoted, resteemed, and commented. In total, we had 47 qualified entries and you all made me job very difficult. I have enjoyed getting a glimpse into your lives and you have made this contest a major success. I loved hearing about the stories of your dogs, cats, cattle, goats, chickens, etc. I have enjoyed this so much that I am going to keep this going on a weekly bases. I want to continue getting to know the all the great homesteaders here on steemit. So please stay tuned, because after I announce the winners, I will let you know what the next theme is with a few minor changes at the end of the post.

I would also like to thank @papa-pepper again, for donating 5 sbd to raise the prize pool and bringing awareness to the contest. In total, all prizes given total about 8 sbd or around $64 usd!
Now to get to the part you have all been waiting on! The first place winner of the First Homestead Photography Contest is @aibell. She has won 5.25 sbd.
The second place winner is @karenfoster. She has won 1.75 sbd.
Since there were so many entries, I thought I would also do a couple of honorable mentions.
First up is @bluerthangreen he will receive .25 sbd.
Next up is @piratefoodco he will also receive .25 sbd
Finally, @flemingfarm will receive .25 sbd.
Again, I would like to thank all of you for your participation in this contest. Congratulations to the winners and I will transfer your winnings within the next day. Now let’s get to the theme for next week. The theme is Homestead’s Bringing In The New Year. So, I want to see how everyone’s homestead is beginning the New Year and finishing off the old one. Are you having a party? Are you finishing up any projects? Or are your animals celebrating?
Similar to the last one, 50% of the liquid sbd will be given to the winner and 25% will be given to second place after the post payout.
The rules are going to be very similar.
- One entry per person
- Upvote this post to increase the rewards for winners (not required, but a resteem would be appreciated)
- Please use #homesteadphotography as one of your tags and leave a link in the comments below (Thank you @beatitudes8 and @minismallholding for the ideas)
- You will have until this post pays out to get in your entries
I am looking forward to what you all come up with, Good Luck!
Okay, I believe that all the money has been sent to the Winners/Honorable Mentions. Thanks
Wow, such a great turnout for a first go-round!
Those are some awesome photographs! Congratulations to all the winners and honorable mentions! :)
Congrats to the winners! It was a fun contest and I'm excited to see the entries for this next one!
P.S. Happy New Year! This article has been included in the most recent issue of the Weekly Homesteading Newsletter! Please check it out if you have the time! Thank you!
Great selection of winners! I love the variation of the submissions.
Congrats everyone! What a fun contest!
I hope I get time to enter this week, but if not I will enjoy seeing everyone's entries anyway.
Happy New Year!
Oh, wow! Thank you @knowledge-seeker for taking the time to run this contest! It turned out to be a great way to meet other homesteaders and it was fun:)
All of the entries were so great to see! Thank you so much!!
That must have been tough to decide! I love the owl.
Glad it took off so well. Looking forward to the next entries. This one's a bit less straight forward.
It was hard to decided. I wish I could have made everyone winners, but that would not have been possible. The theme being broad was intentional. I know a lot of people here are really creative and do things a little different. The hopes are that we will get to learn more about the individuals and their homesteads. After this I am going to make them a little less broad and a little more straight forward. Thanks for your comment!
Some of my favorites were winners and honorable mentions! I would never have been able to choose. That @flemingfarm goat makes me giggle everytime I see it!
Thanks for running this contest. I can't wait to see the entries for this new one. I'll bet they get pretty interesting!