
Today I saw a groundhog in her run! Oh that poor chick!

Poor Lee! She just can't get a break! Shoo snake. shoo groundhog!

Thanks. I needed that help. She is exhausting me.

We have a Havahart trap set up for the groundhog(s) but no one is taking the bait yet...some very ripe fragrant cantaloupe. Maybe you could exert your magical powers and lure them in.

Here comes my magical powers...Zip..Zap..In the trap you go! Sure hope this helps...haha. Really, I do wish you success because poor Lee has had enough!

Thanks. When my husband gets home i will have him take this pesty groundhog to the state forest.

and MANY thanks from the beleaguered Lee.

So it is trapped now?

I waited all day in hopes that I could send a positive report but nothing so far.
I just posted a story I wrote some years ago about groundhogs...the first year they came to our garden. Maybe they found their way back and know better than to go into the trap.

They are smart. I just read your groundhog story and really enjoyed it. I left you a reply. Hope you have better luck today. :)