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RE: Off Grid Washing Machine Using Homemade Soap & More

in #homesteading7 years ago

Thanks. I love saving energy. For me its just fun and a challenge to see how much we can save each day.

Sad about Tesla. He wanted what was best for the people.


Good human being this gentleman Nicola Tesla - I have seing few documentaries and movies about him - great mind, and bid heart for humans and the Earth.

I enjoy watching your videos where you utilize some of his ideas.

Did getting energy from soil (earth, ground) with the 2 different metals nails worked in the end on bigger scale?

Yes he as a great man.

I only hope to one day reach a small portion of his accomplishments.

I did not yet go larger on the earth battery. But I do plan to put ground rods deep in the ground next year and do this again.

You Troy.

So far my Bedini motor is in its infant stages.

It is capable of so much more.

I am still learning although I already have much to share.

lol, I bet that bothers you.

I am going to make it look nice.

That will be the final step.

Then fine tuning and improving it.

This project would be most interesting for me and I bet for more other people - I would definitely resteem it and make a video on my channel recommending this project of yours with the link to it.

I am working up to it. I will put it on my electronic channel. Not sure if you saw that yet?

I have a YT electronics channel and a steemit electronics channel.

Tell him you have 4 channels. How do you do that?

I have seeing all your channels - all very good. Electronics, tr tech, family cooking :) .
I enjoy your activities, as I lack my own off-grid homestead. Maybe in near future I will have my own.

Should we hold our breath? You never finish anything you start. Chicken coop, greenhouse, dirt pit greenhouse, take shack and trailer off grid, insulate battery box, build appropriate housing for inverter, put in smaller woodstove that doesn't cook you in the little shack, etc etc. I'm not holding my breath but I wonder if the rods are so great why hasn't many others done it. We need more bedini motor videos

Funny you say that. On the video where I finished something.

Oh, and the Bedini motor(s) of which I have a few - working and finished.

But we should not expect better from a troll.

lets face it trog you had to finish the soap. Since you only have a few dozen soap making videos we can now say been there done that. Now the bedini motors are exciting. Most steemit viewers would watch a bedini motor video all day long. You just can't get enough info on bedini motors like I told you. You have any more bedini motor videos coming up? Even trolls like bedini motors. You should film nothing but bedini motors and tell your viewers to go fuck themselves if they don't like bedini motor videos. Luv me some bedini motors.

You still haven't finished it dick head. You told DrBill you have to finish it up and make it look nice. Stop bothering me on my comments.

no reid. youre just a cheap motherfucker. you want to keep every cent you can so you can spend it on yourself.

Well, what is wrong with saving money and reducing bills?

Why should it anger you that I live sparingly?

you don't live sparingly, you live like a pauper feeding your family rotten vegetables and deer corn and not allowing them the convenience of hot tap water. You don't save money you spend every cent you have on junk and toys.

I think you are not watching my videos.

It is clear on my videos that we are happy and comfortable.

They have stuff because of your viewers not because of you Troy. Look at your video where you had your viewers pay for her then pay to get her her (so romantic going to make a great story when Michelle gets older and ask how you two met) then had your viewers and family buy her clothes. Then BAM you had 2 mini kids bikes. Yep you provide

Oh, I get it, you are keeping Ming a Ling drugged up so she doesn't realize she has it so bad. Good thinking otherwise she will leave you and get child support like maybe half your bedini motors

It is sad that you cannot understand happiness.

You would rather dwell on hating others.

I understand that I hate only one person on earth- you. I understand that the greatest happiness for me has been providing a great life for my family. I understand that its a man's duty to always try to improve upon the lives of the people that depend on them. I understand that I can hold my head up high anywhere I go. I understand that you are a mouse of a man that the internet has allowed you to beg for your livelihood from strangers believing you need their hard earned money more than they do. I understand that if you had to beg at walmart people would beat the shit out of you for being a leach on the ass of society. I most definitely do understand happiness and thank God for his blessings every day. Any questions- idiot

[-]jessiescott (4) · 55 minutes ago
@thediyworld ,, no i will not fucking consider quietly . this pertains to you and your lying coniving dishonest ways , bearing false witness is going to bite you in the ass TROY , all we are doing is making the community awre of your decietful practices so as to hopefully allow them to see for themselves your ways of abomination . No one is doing a damn thing to YOUR FAMILY ........ only professing the truth about you , TROY WILLIAM REID . I think maybe you should consider ............... why have you been plaqued by so many public detractors ? why have you failed to acomplish any task / project properly ? why did you have to go outside of the US to find a companion ? why have YOU KNOWINGLY ALIGNED YOURSELF WITH MANY PEOPLE OF UNJUST AND IMMORALE CHARACTER ...... IE ..... ANTHONY SCOTT WILLIAMS , PASTOR OF YOUR "CHURCH" WHICH HAS BEENINTERNATIONALLY INDENTIFIED AS A CULT .... DAVAD HANSON , WHOM YOU KNEW AFORE HAND TO BE A CONVICTED PAEDOPHLIE, BUT STILL WENT TO HIS HOME STATE OF CONNETICUTT AND TRANSPORTED ACROSS STATE LINE ILLEGALLY , WHITH OUT NOTIFYING HIS PAROLE OFFICER , EXPOSED HIM TO SEVERAL YOUNG CHILDREN WHILE HE WAS AT YOUR COMPOUND IN PINEBUSH NY ALL THE WHILE KNOWING HIS BACKGROUND IN FULL ... AND THEN THERE IS TIMOTHY CAREY .......... AN AIRMAN IN THE USAF STATIONED AT ALTUS AIRFORCE BASE IN OKLAHOMA , HE WAS ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH HAVING BOBMB MAKING SUPPLIES IN HIS POSSESION AND ALSO MAKING TERRORISTIC THREATS TO BLOW UP A LOCAL WALMART ........... HE SENT YOU TRIP WIRE DEVICES TO YOUR COMPOUND IN PINE BUSH NY , ALONG WITH OTHER MATERIALS YOU REFUSED TO SHOW OR MENTION ... AND THEN THERE IS LEE , I CAN'T REMEMBER HIS FULL YOU TUBE NAME, THAT MADE THE DESPICABLE VIDEO CLAIM ING DOC WAS A PAEDOPHILE , IN WHICH YOU COMMENTED ......... LEE I LOVE YOU BROTHER .

because your wife and child suffer because of your selfishness,thats why. cast your bread upon the waters asshole. this is not about you anymore. get a job besides screwing around on the internet all day along with all the failed projects you start and never finish. yull find you have more money to spend.

You have no right to tell me where to work.

I enjoy my job actually.

I would much more enjoy it if your friends stopped harassing us online and in the real world.

[-]troyreidlies (35) · 1 minute ago
I understand that I hate only one person on earth- you. I understand that the greatest happiness for me has been providing a great life for my family. I understand that its a man's duty to always try to improve upon the lives of the people that depend on them. I understand that I can hold my head up high anywhere I go. I understand that you are a mouse of a man that the internet has allowed you to beg for your livelihood from strangers believing you need their hard earned money more than they do. I understand that if you had to beg at walmart people would beat the shit out of you for being a leach on the ass of society. I most definitely do understand happiness and thank God for his blessings every day. Any questions- idiot

troy when you explained to us how to use steemit you kept saying but I'll get to that part later and lots of things you never got to. I liked the part where you said to get the phone numbers of friends along with their email and open accounts in their name but my question is when I'm on a site I really like and would like to upvote the creators work I worry I will use up all my steem and won't have enough to come to your site and downvote everything. How can I do both? I notice you are in command of the 4 sites you opened on steemit and often post under one name then upvote under your other names. Is this allowed or do we just not follow the rules and run steemit until they kick you out for not following the rules? Hurry I found a homesteading site I really like and want to give Doc some upvotes but then I'm afraid I won't have any steem to downvote everything you post.

Well, it is funny that you whine and complain about me upvoting myself when I have to battle your down voting.

Stop harassing me and I will be happy to go out into the community.

You have no intention of going out into the community for 2 reasons- you have not been a hit on steemit proven by the reaction you are getting from the steemit community. No one comes here to upvote you and second you have never done anything for anybody in your life and have no intention to start now.

Try me and see.

If all your friends stopped down voting me, I would be on the community voting on other sites.

But nobody gives me a chance. They just down vote all my work.

And whine and complain when I counter it with up votes of my own.

You have four other channels to go into the Community with Troy

'If all your friends stopped down voting me, I would be on the community voting on other sites.'

No your wouldn't. Your here for yourself. And for no other reason for what you think is an easy payout.

Four cents for this video. Wow that's impressive. Very good economics.

Instead of fighting trolls 12 hours a day why don't you actually work and build that greenhouse. You'd actually achieve something.

"Counter it with up votes of my own"? Are you really believing your own shit? You are using fraudulent votes dumass. Using the voting power of fraudulent accounts is fraud. Has nobody ever explained to you right from wrong?

I play by the rules. I only have one acct and only so much voting power so if you claim to be playing by the rules you should only downvote people with 4 accts to make it fair.

You and your army of friends.

What I dont get is how you guys all whine because I vote myself up to counter your hate war against me.

because its not right. I am an individual troll and have nothing to do with the other nice gentlemen trolls. They are fine people with good heads on their shoulders, able to sniff out lies and deceit better than most. We work individually and not as a team. But we would make a good team if need be. However none of them has ever made or wanted a bedini motor. Can you believe that? Not one. We need more bedini motor videos.

Anyone can see you worshiping at ryans feet over there.

You cannot lie about that.

The only lies are from you guys.

All we do is make videos of our daily lives.

While you try to tear our lives apart.

Harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

@fingolfin, @thediyworld. @diywhat. @troyreidlies. NO Troy Reid @thediyworld, AGAIN YOU LIE!

Just yesterday, YOU UP VOTED the Cat Chasing a Laser Pointer blog on Your blogger101 page with 3 of Your accounts, along with your YouTube pals phillip20 and drbill!y
Again, YOU used 3 of Your Accounts!

The blog was NOT flagged or down voted by anyone!

YOU did this purely for money!

I think the whales need to be aware of your hypocritical criminal ethics.

@watertower. @originalworks @fixedbydoc

You guys are all worshiping ryan and voting him up so he can destroy me.

Ryan aka fixedbydoc chased off all my new viewers and down voted them to oblivion.

I do not thing that is fair to them.

Not cool at all.

So you are about 30 and I am one.

I have to make a living for my family.

Your friends have run my name through the mud.

Slandered me in town and all over the net.

Your friends have ensured I could not get a normal job now anyway.

So this is my last stand.

My last chance.

So I have some accounts to battle your group.

I think that is only fair.

@steemcleaners............ here is @thediyworld admitting that he has 4 accounts on steem and uses each acct to up vote his own work , this is against steem policy and is causing a greater rift in the happiness of the community .

you have a fixation for Doc and it doesn't look good on you. You had no new followers, just people that stopped in to see your crap and ran.

Oh, but I see you guys over there posting filth and nasty comments.

I have to fight that filth dont I

I mean, its only fair that I am allowed to fight against 30 trolls harassing me - right?

Hate war? No it is people with a conscience and decency that are here to prevent you from swindling others. You are a liar scammer and con. Normal humans which you are not do not condone your activities.

All we do is make daily videos of our lives on the homestead.

If you dont believe it is real - that is fine.

But harassing us online and in the real world is criminal.

How is telling people that you beg for money harassing you? We pinpoint in the videos where you make your little begging statements. Last I knew calling it like it is isn't Criminal

we are providing a public service warning others of you deceit and lies and plagiarism. Nothing wrong with that in fact we deserve medals for our work. You are scum and we know it.

type in Homesteading scammer in the steemit bar and see troy's videos pop up.

A reasonable person, not talking about you of course, would see that everyone gets a vote on each comment or post. If your vote cancels out mine that is fair and I don't see a problem with that. But when you go against the rules of steemit and open 3 more accounts to upvote your crap then I and everyone else has a problem. The world according to troy doesn't exist- we all must play by the rules or just go away. You need to just go away since you don't think the rules apply to you.

why didn't you google END TABLE to see how to build one? Does your computer not have google? No one would want a table that you have to clear the top to be able to get inside. Have you ever heard of a table with a drawer? Google is your friend and its free and keeps you from making stupid mistakes like building furniture meant to go inside your house out of crap with a top that you have to clear to get inside the storage compartment. Remember- GOOGLE.

Oh, I built what I wanted to build for myself.

I am happy with it and Melanie likes it too.

That is all that matters.

Its an eye sore and Ming Pling has no say in the matter or she wouldn't have let you run all those wires and not put them in conduit. Look at the wires on your monitor setup. Disgusting mess. Not one piece of furniture or drapery in the shack is less than 50 years old and when you are talking cheap crap it never becomes a prized antique. Look at the carpet- 50 years old, can you imagine whats living in that nest? Not something you want to bring a baby into. Ming Pling is just a prop and a slave with no say in anything.

Well, your opinion is noted.

We happen to like our home.

another lie. You are living there because mommy got it for you and it was one step up from the homeless shelter.