Weeding The Raised Beds And Frustrations With Momma Bunny

Today I got some weeding done in the raised beds. Up until it started raining. Again. And it's supposed to rain for the next three days. I'm thinking of investing in a boat for my property. Something like a ark maybe.

But I did get three beds done. You can see the progress from here.....

To here. On the right you'll notice a rudimentary trellis. This is because I found volunteer tomato plants in that bed. Which is good since the tomato plants I've actually tried to start are either not coming up, dying after they come up or just not growing well at all. I don't know what it is. Normally tomatoes are the easiest vegetable to grow.

Didn't get much more done. Except for some crochet. I did move the tractors. But that's about it. The baby bunnies are still alive and doing ok. I keep putting hay in their box but I think their mother is either knocking it down through the wire or eating it. Luckily it seems to be warm enough out to keep them from freezing. She is also still running back and forth in her cage like a nutjob. The babies are staying in the box. But the bouncing around also knocking over her food bowl which means her food falls through the wire. So I'm going to have to figure out what to do about that.

Anyway, that was it for my day and now it's almost bedtime. I'm really tired even though I didn't get much done.