Benefits of betel leaf
Helo guys this time I will tell the efficacy of betel lear
First efficacy:In ancient times betel is one of the important traditional treatment approaches, not just in Malaysia, even in Asia, India and East Africa. In India, betel is used to treat diseases in the mouth, pharynx and stomach lining. In East Africa, the leaves are used for ulcers of fungus and juice for the sperm and inflammatory disease of the esophagus. Filipinos use betel nut to treat gastric problems and lung diseases encountered by infants
Second efficacy:Benefits of betel that have been digukankan in medicine in the past this has proven its validity through scientific studies that have been done by institutions such as Universiti Putra malaysia (UPM)
Third efficacy:Among the results of the study found betel leaves or 'Piper Betle' contains PATI OIL which the main ingredients are CUGINOL and KAVIKOL. Active ingredients in it as well as FLAVORNOID and POLYPHENOL may tense the skin and shrink wrinkles in advance
Fourth efficacy:Benefits ASTRIGEN betel leaf also berkecutupuce organic tissue and ANTISEPTIK efficacy to kill germs. This means, if the water is drunk or used as a daily washer for the typical woman, in addition to tensing the muscles of the tissue inside the vagina, he may also kill bacteria, germs or fungus and overcome the problem of whiteness.
Fifth efficacy:In the field of herbal medicine in Malaysia, according to history, betel is a native plant and among the types of betel nut is sirih, sirih chinese, sirih india, sirih jawa and sirih indonesia.
The sixth property: this sixth usefulness is the last property that I know its efficacy is The benefits of betel leaf as a traditional medicine is not separated from the nutrient content and chemical compounds embedded in it. If you successfully treat one of the health problems above using the leaves of this drug, of course, is amazing.
That's some efficacy of betel leaf that I know may be useful for us all
Excellent write-up. Very interesting.