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RE: The Cost of Doing Business: the Hard Answers

in #homesteading7 years ago

My husband works hard all week. Hard. He's a carpenter and constructuon superintendant. Now, he works for an amazing company, but it's difficult to watch him work all week, so hard, and brings home a fraction, a tiny fraction, of what his company makes from his work. And when he gets home with this money we pay the electric bill, water bill, gas bill, car payment, insurance and phone. We buy food and necessities for us and our animals. All of this so he can have lights and hot water to shower, a warm place to sleep, clean cloths and dinner so he can wake up and repeat it all over again next week. It begina to feel like he works to make money to prepare himself to work.

I get so frustrated sometimes, that noone ever told us there was another way. We had to figure it out for ourselves, after we were already waist deep in this rat race.

But, praise God, we DID figure it out and we are sooo close to bustin' out! 😀


If he thinks he's being underpaid.
find another company to work for.
start his own company.

It's not really even a matter of being underpaid. And he loves his job. He's good at what he does and loves the guys he works with. It just feels like he's working to pay other people for what we could be doing for ourselves.

Really, it bothers me more than it bothers him. But we're both grateful that he has a good job when so many we know can't find work, for his ability to do something that he enjoys to provide for our family while I homeschooled our kids, and for the beautiful future on our own homestead!

homeschooling is WONDERFUL.
it's a TWO-FER.
in order to teach your kids.
you have to learn it first.
it's a win-win.

I couldn't agree more!