This is Part 4 of a new series.
Since we desire to live together as a family, the less money we need means the better chance I have of earning it from home. The more of our own needs that we can take care of on our own, the less money we will need to spend, which means the less money we will need to earn. A key aspect of homesteading is being more self-sufficient, so it fits well with our financial goals. Enjoy the video!
Since being together as a family is our goal, we think that homesteading is a good fit for us. In Part 5, I will share about how being more self-sufficient will help us reach our financial goals. Stay tuned!
Until next time…
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Really great post - and series. I hadn't considered that yes, for every $1 not spent it's more like $2 saved. I'm going to remember that!
Yup, that came from @me-tarzan, and I thought it was a very good point. Those taxes!
I could hear the ducks in the background and they sound very very happy
that sounds like a lot of eggs
I agree that homesteading can really make you self sufficient plus it doesn't only teach your kids to be the same but also make them love nature a lot - at least that's what I got having lived with my grandparents who were homesteaders
I don't remember buying much food aside from fish and clams and other sea food freshly caught in the sea when I was there - it saved us much money plus made us eat un-sprayed food - that's the best part - organic
the tasks - quite tough for my grandparents I think but during harvest time holy freaking moly happiness!
It is fun and rewarding, not only in lifestyle, but health too. We sure do enjoy it!
Well Bro another great post !
The reason I interact with you as much as I do or can is because you have an extreme love for family, friends, nature and life in general. You are what I have been calling a "Humane Being", imho what we ALL need to work on more.
This video briefly gets into the "economics" and your philosophy of "Homesteading". The term itself is so strange to me, as if it were something new. Imho, it just means living a life how "man/human beings" are supposed to live.
When you start getting into the math, the economics, and yes, profitability makes so much sense. But to be honest, I always have to laugh at the statement "saving 1 dollar is actually 2". It IS true !, But I don't like the math ... here is why.
Say you make $10 an hr. at a 9-5 job. Your away from family ....
Say you make $10 an hr. at home. Yes the math dictates you save on fuel, can make more money at home because you don't have travel to work time deducted from your money making time at home, save on food, by growing your own, save on babysitters etc. The list IS endless ... BUTTTT ! What is Not mentioned or included in the math, is the VALUE of spending time with your family. To me, spending time with kids is worth $1000's per hr. Plain and simple. How many men didn't get to see their children take their 1st steps OR say their 1st words !!! THATS just a damn shame ..
To me my man, YOU ARE VERY wealthy ! Your basic and advanced economics are "THE" way to go, lol !
AS usual, all my best to you and yours. Keep up the good work, and thanks again for showing people "how to" be .. a "Humane" being !
Your friend JTStreetman
Excellent point in all the extra "financial" stuff, but I especially liked this part:
You are soooo right! Thanks for the encouragement once again!
What comes to mind when watching this series is the several passages in Proverbs that talk about the value of planning ahead, working hard (and smart), and the idea of a family working together to solve problems and make a life.
Very true! We do try to apply what we read!
Yea yes. Here in Wisconsin when I was a kid, me and my dog would go down to the woods. My dog would chase up rabbits. And when the rabbit tried to hide I could catch them by hand. Then I would let them go for another day.
Really interesting post and video @papa-pepper. Debt is a real killer and ultimately keeps people tied to jobs that are not fulfilling. People seem more interested in what is supposed to make them happy or what they are told to make them happy rather than really figuring out what actually makes them happy.
Consumerism rarely seems to offer much fulfillment. Buy one thing, discard it and then buy something else just to discard it. I find long lasting happiness does not require the purchase of stuff that initially feels appealing. In order to support this spending we are forced to sacrifice our time doing unfulfilling work. It just takes the courage to break this cycle.
It does take a lot of courage.
Very well said spectrum. Couldn't agree more, but I'm a rare lucky one who enjoys what I do for work. Doesn't mean I want to do it forever though.
well obviously i missed a lot having just jumped in first time with the part 4. But there is a lot of truth in what you are saying @papa-pepper. Thanks alot for the insights in what you are planning and i agree less money you need is absolutely more freedom especially with the interests that you mention in the last part ...
will watch the others now as well !
Glad to hear that you liked what you saw! I've got a few more coming!
Great content @papa-pepper
Thank you!
Nice. How many do you have?
Reduced to 148 due to financial issues
Trying to build a homestead and it is hard to save when you are trying to build debt free.
That is true, but it's worth it!
Yes, it is! When it is all done then we start saving.
All very interesting and good reasons to make homesteading your goal in life. So it made me curios about how much I pay in rent for a year. It turned out I have to work 23 (40 hour) weeks a year to just pay my apartment rent. And 6 (40 hour) weeks to pay our utility bills a year. If I didn't pay for those I could have a piece of land in 3 years. Makes you think. but also if I didn't pay those I would be homeless.
That math sure was interesting, and your conclusion is worth contemplating too. Very, very hard to break free and get ahead these days.
Didn't help losing 7 days work because of hurricane Irma.
No kidding.