in #homesteading7 years ago

Sometimes it is important to pay attention when others are talking to you.

Before @papa-pepper moved to Arkansas, he worked in a warehouse up in Wisconsin. One of his coworkers would often share stories about growing up on a farm. Since @papa-pepper did not grow up on a farm, a lot of what he heard sounded interesting and different. Not all of it made sense, but I still listened and pondered.

Some of the things that the man shared with me fall into the category of stuff that must be learned by living it out. Perhaps some of it has made it into books somewhere, but far too often the people actually living the lives are too busy living that life to write books about it, so the information in some volumes may be lacking.


One of the peculiar stories involved putting motor oil on piglets. Exactly what the story or reason had been escaped @papa-pepper over the years, but I still recalled that there was some reason that the man had once put motor oil on his piglets.

When the sow that @smailer bought for us gave birth, the memory was once again recalled, but the reason still remained a mystery. Then, Bo-bo got stepped on and we stitched up his wound. We applied a generous amount of medicinal ointment to the wound and returned it to the pen.

Soon, the giant snout of his mom was sniffing around to locate this new scent.


At that moment, I had a memory return from deep within my brain. The exact context had involved getting one sow to nurse the piglet of another sow. Without covering up the scent of the foster piglet, the new mom would most likely not nurse it. However, if the piglets all smelled the same, then the mother would not be able to tell the difference.

The man who passed on this knowledge had used motor oil. As I recalled, he had provided two different approaches. The first was to coat all the piglets in motor oil, so they all would smell the same. The other option was to put the oil on the mother’s nose, which would have the same result. I supposed that you could combine both of those options if you really wanted to keep your pigs well oiled.

The second that our sow went sniffing for Bo-bo, I remembered. Soon, I had put some ointment on all nine of the piglets.

For good measure the snout of the sow got a dose too.


Just as the man had once taught me about this with his story while we were working, now it came time for me to pass on the information too.

The @little-peppers like the animal chores anyway, so helping the piglets in this way soon became a favorite chore.

They would carefully take care of the wound on Bo-bo, and then add a little to all of his siblings.

While the sow was eating, they would get a bit on her nose too.

When we left Arkansas for our trip up to Wisconsin, all of the piglets were still alive and well, and the sow had never treated Bo-bo any differently. Once the wound was holding itself together, we took the stitches out to.

We can’t wait to get back and check on them all, but for now we have the memories and the knowledge that our friends are taking care of them. We figured that we would share this story with all of you, just like the man once shared it with me, just in case you ever needed to recall it

As always, she’s Pinkie-Pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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This is ingenious. It makes perfect sense. Mother's instincts notices something is different and wants to keep it from harming her other babies! But if they ALL smell different..."but I know these are my piglets"...then she must rely on her eyes...and then, the injured or different piglet doesn't get excluded.

It is an example of how God uses us, mankind, to tend to his creation. The creation is fallen, and in the wild that piglet would get excluded or killed. But when man follows God's wisdom in nature, harmony(though still fleeting) can be returned.

Permaculture sorta gets this work-towards-harmony, but sadly, usually tries to write God out of the equation. Little do people realize that God, in the Garden of Eden was creating the first culture of permanence(perma-culture) and the first sustainable agriculture (PERManent AgriCULTURE).

Great story @papa-pepper. Thank you for sharing it!

@papa-pepper always comes up with good stuff!

Speaking of Return of Surplus. The Steemit community has been very wonderful to me and I have some FREE Steemit art to share if anyone would like to jazz up their BLOG Articles.

Very, very well said! Fully agreed!

Thanks for making a REAL COMMENT!

Thanks! And welcome to steemit!

And I thought Bill Molison came up with permaculture. 😄

are the pigs pets or do you eat them? jw

They will be pets until we eat them. So we love them and take good care of them until then.

Great post with some great info! It can be tricky getting a sow to re-adopt her piglets!

I was actually working on this one for the morning, but it looks like it got posted.... not sure. Enjoy it anyways.

Nevermind the glitch. I was checking Steemit right before bed and saw it had just posted a minute prior.

So a nice 'bedtime store' for this adult! ;-P

Glad to hear it!

Nice pet @papa-pepper I want also keep Pig in my farm but society india doesn't except the pig

That is too bad.

Well done on sharing that information to the kids and folks out here! Yup going to share it for others. I did the same with kittens and a few mommas.

You never know when info like this may come in handy. Thanks again!

Hey @papa-pepper what an incredible post. Caring and sharing the knowledge are some of the most incredible things one can do and you seem to be doing both. Knowledge gained from experience and passed on is knowledge in the purest form. Thanks for sharing those experiences and knowledge.

Corona, I prefer the liquid version for myself, if you know what I mean!

Great job by the kids to care for animals in general. I guess they didn't want mama pig to alienate the hurt one or the siblings to do that either.

Yes, those kids care a lot, and they do a really good job too.