How To Plant Oyster Mushroom For Beginners - Complete With Its Step

in #homesteading7 years ago

Hello friend steemit how are you guys, in this post I will share an oyster mushroom cultivation in my home garden

If you want to build a business of oyster mushroom cultivation, investment funds can be fairly affordable and you can do step by step. The most difficult process is to make baglog, which is planting media that must diidiinokulaikan along with fungus seeds.

Oyster mushroom is a mushroom that is in the interest of the population in Indonesia, this mushroom is not only cheap, but easy to find in the market and its price is not too expensive, can be consumed from the rich among the lower classes as well.

For those of you who do not know how to live mushrooms please read it.

There are two important activities that need to be done related to oyster mushroom cultivation. The first activity is to make planting media and fungi seeds inoculated with the planting medium.

With so the media to be overgrown with cotton-like mycelium. The second step is to let the mycelium grow into a fruit body.

There are several ways of oyster mushroom cultivation that we can pass, divided into 3 namely:

Provide kumbung

Provide baglog

Caring for the baglog

harvesting mushrooms

Harvesting: Oyster mushrooms should be harvested at once one stalk. Can not just take the already large part. Because it is so worn and not harvested the oyster mushrooms will rot.

In the oyster mushroom market is usually small because for the speed of the velocity of money, small mushrooms are already in the harvest. If you grow oyster mushrooms we can wait a few hours longer so that the oyster mushroom can widen up to the largest size that is equal to a basin / pan with a diameter of 20 cm.

Kumbung or people generally call it a mushroom house is a medium for baglog treatment and fungal growth. In general, Kumbung is a building in which there are shelves as a baglog place. The granary should have the ability to adapt so that the temperature and humidity are always maintained.

The kumbung material itself comes from wood or bamboo, and the wall of kumbung generally comes from the board or gedek and the roof comes from shingles or tile. It is better not to wear or zinc or asbestos, because the roof can cause the temperature inside the kumbung to heat. While for the floor enough land, so that later can absorb water when mushrooms again watered.

In the kumbung there should also be a rack of lattice and made with storied. The shelf is useful for compiling a baglog. Rack frames are made from kawyu or bamboo. The laying of the shelves must also be lined up between one rack with another shelf and separated by aisle hallway to lighten us after doing the treatment.

The space between shelves should have the smallest height is 40 cm, otherwise the rack rate can be made 2 to 3 levels.

It is better that the rack has a width of approximately 40 cm and length for each rus of rack that is 1 meter. That way the standard size can be to accommodate 70 to 80 baglog. You can vary the shelf for the number of baglogs that you want to cultivate.

Provide Baglog

Baglog is a planting medium where to put the seeds of oyster mushrooms. The main ingredient to make baglog is sawdust, because oyster mushrooms are also classified as wood mushrooms.

Baglog generally wrapped with a plastic cylinder shape, then one of the two ends are made holes. That way the oyster mushroom will grow out through the hole.

Usually they are cultivating oyster mushrooms if you want to enter a large scale, it will create a baglog itself. However, for those of us who are new to the beginning and just have insufficient capital is recommended to buy baglog from others, then we just focus on the cultivation of this oyster mushroom.

To compile the baglog is divided into two ways namely the first laying with a vertical baglog hole faced upwards. As for the laying of horizontal, baglog hole faced to the side.

Of course, both ways are each there are weaknesses and advantages. For the first way that the horizontal will be added safely from exposed to water spray. If watering excessively, water will not enter baglog.

In addition, when the harvest season will be easier. But when compiling it will spend a lot of time.

How to care for Oyster Mushroom

Before we will arrange baglognya, it would be nice we open the ring & paper cover. Then we leave about 5 days.

After that, only the end of baglog we cut in order to have wider storage space. Leave in 3 days, and do not need watering. We just go to the floor.

When we want to do watering, it would be nice to wear spray so that it comes out is water mist instead of water droplets. The better the mist then the mushrooms will grow better.

Please watered in 2 to 3 times a day, depending on the temperature and moisture conditions of the kumbung.

Pest Control

Not just baglogs that we treat, we also have to do various other handling such as prevention and control of pests that are likely to make diseased oyster mushrooms at any time.

There are several factors that can cause pests and diseases such as environmental conditions or in the body of the fungus itself.

Therefore we must be diligent and regularly to clean the mushroom cultivation itself, one of them by spraying with formalin to the place around the kumbung.

Understanding Oyster Mushroom

Oyster mushroom or latin name is Pleurotus ostreatus including the white fungus group and is a group Basidiomycota. Because there is a canopy in the fungus and resembles an oyster shell, the fungus is then called the oyster mushroom.

Some features of this fungus are in the form of a semi-circle, and usually the habitat or place of this mushroom grows on the decayed logs. So other than called oyster mushroom, usually people also call it wood mushrooms.

For those of us who live in Indonesia are very benefited for the climate that is suitable for the growth of oyster mushrooms. Of course the benefits are very fitting for those of us who want to have a business of oyster mushroom cultivation.

Actually the cultivation of oyster mushrooms is easy, the most difficult part is on making baglognya (media planting mushrooms) are useful for the container of the fungus.

Of course we do not have to bother to make baglog bother themselves, we just buy to someone else to make a baglog in accordance with our wants and needs.

New in the future if the business is already running and can be enlarged scale, we can make your own.

So about the article how to cultivate oyster mushrooms, may be useful for those of you who will run the business.