Chicken Farming is Economical and Profitable

in #homesteading7 years ago

Hey steemit friends Did you know Chicken Kampung The Economical and Profitable.

Starting from the desire to be able to eat chicken during Idul Fitri, many of us who do their own chicken livestock. Indeed, chicken is more maknyuss than broiler chicken. You can imagine how special Lebaran menu with the presence of chicken opor at the table.

Then, as more and more people are hooked and understand the benefits of meat and chicken eggs for health, the market demand is increasing. Well, now we start to see business opportunities are quite tempting from breeding chicken.

How do you raise chicken for this long? Is it with a system of umbaran? Indeed, most communities keep the chicken with a system of umbaran. In this system the chicken is released in the morning, and left wild throughout the day. Just in the afternoon, the chicken is put again into the cage.

Cages that are made are also usually what they are. The important chicken can rest and protected from cold or rain. The weakness of this system is low productivity of chicken. The risk of loss of chicken is quite large, and the egg will be scattered everywhere.

If the umbaran system is less economical, then there are some breeders who do the opposite. They locked the chicken inside the cage for 24 hours and fed the manufacturer with a larger percentage.

Is this economical? Apparently not too. With a system like this, the growth of chicken will be slow. As a result, the feed needed is also more and more. The costs incurred were high and unprofitable. Then, how to raise the most economical chicken chicken? The answer is to use semi-intensive system.

Like what exactly is chicken cattle with semi-intensive system? In this system the chicken is not left wildly, or caged constantly for 24 hours.

So, the chicken is still given land to look for natural feed or perform other activities but on a limited basis. The feed is also a combination of factory-made feed with green plants, worms and additional feed made by the breeders themselves.

Next we will discuss in more detail this system with attention to some of the following aspects:

Semi Intensive Cages

Do you have any idea what kind of enclosure is used in this system? So, for semi-intensive cages used a plot of land around the fence. Chicken cultivated can not leave the area. In the field there is a closed cage as a place to rest and take shelter.

Also make a cage colony for chicken breeding place. Land in this area is also not just any land. The soil should be overgrown with grass and made less dense with occasional beatings. The goal for the worm can breed.

Semi Intensive System Marriage

In order for more and more of our chicken, then the chicken marriage needs to be done. If the marriage system occurs naturally, the semi-intensive system will have more roles.

The marriage process in this system will occur in a colony enclosure measuring 1x2 m. We will include 6 female breeders and 1 male tail in this cage. A few days later the marriage can occur and 3 days after the marriage the chickens will lay their eggs.

Then, the egg must be removed immediately to be incubated by other females. Incubators can be used to drip them. If you intend to sell chicken eggs, then broiler breeder may also not. After all, the chicken will still lay eggs although not mated.

The number of eggs produced each year an average of 115 grains / indukan. A little bit, but this amount can still be encouraged with the feeding and appropriate treatment. You can also cultivate a cross-breeding chicken that is able to spawn with more.

Chicken Maintenance

Before we discuss how to raise chicken with intensive system, please note first the characteristics of good chicken seeds to grow. The trait is no defect, glowing eyes, clean fur, standing straight and navel fully absorbed.

Native chicken breeding will be better than cockroaches. Although the productivity is not too large, but this chicken resistance to disease is very strong.

Next, the way of maintenance. In the semi-intensive system, the maintenance of chicken is very easy because it is done in a protected area of ​​the fence. The worms found in the area can be a protein-rich natural food. Additional feeding also needs to be done 2 to 3 times a day.

To get chicken eggs, you just wait up to 6 months. But the chicken that will be consumed the meat must be maintained until the age of 8-12 months.

Cultivation of chicken with semi-intensive system can produce chickens whose weight is greater than the system of umbaran. Maintenance and good feed will make us able to harvest more eggs.

But, is this way economical enough you think? Or are there other animals that are able to provide greater benefits? It is necessary to consider this before starting a more serious chicken breeding business.

There is one more way to get more benefits from chicken livestock. Namely integrated cultivation system between cattle and livestock catfish. So, in this integrated system we will build a chicken coop that is located on the fish pond.

As a result, we will harvest two types of livestock. This integrated system is popular with longyam term which stands for balong hayam in Sundanese, which means chicken pool.

With a system like this there are several benefits that can be obtained are:

Utilization of Chicken Poultry

Can imagine the smell of chicken manure that is in the cage. The scent will be greatly reduced if we use the integrated system of poultry and catfish. Why? Because chicken droppings will fall directly into the pond.

Well, the dirt can be eaten directly by catfish or a good source of plankton for the growth of fish. Although the dirt is not eaten by catfish, but can be a natural fertilizer that can fertilize the pond. Based on calculations, chicken manure is able to reduce the need for cat feed up to 75%.

Utilization of Wasted Chicken Feed

In addition to chicken manure, waste of chicken feed is also very useful for catfish. As mentioned before, chicken feed contains up to 12% protein. This protein content is needed catfish in its growth.

So, feed that is not eaten chicken can still be useful because it will fall into the pond and eaten catfish. That way, feeding for catfish can be reduced. And conversely, waste of chicken feed is wasted can also be pressed up to 50%. Try to count, how much savings we can do.

Lowering the Environmental Temperature

Is it just catfish that can benefit from this integrated system? you do not worry, the chicken that we keep also will greatly benefit from this system. The existence of a pool above the chicken coop will help lower the ambient temperature.

That way the chicken will feel more comfortable and can breed better. Chicken coop also turned out to be a shade for the catfish are stung by the sun. The result, chicken and catfish are not hot anymore.

Is the integrated system of catfish and chicken is really economical? If you are still in doubt, then please note that this system is not only able to save expenses for the purchase of catfish feed. But the lifetime of the catfish can be accelerated to just 70 days.

In fact, catfish are damaged and can not be sold can also be used as an additional feed for chickens. So, our savings and income will be bigger.

For those of you who are interested to cultivate poultry producing eggs other than chicken, then you can choose to do cattle or duck livestock. Duck eggs certainly different from chicken eggs.

Many duck eggs are processed as salted eggs. Some also use this egg in making egg martabak. While chicken eggs are widely consumed to be taken for health benefits the body. Therefore, the market share of chicken eggs is different from duck eggs.

We all already know that since the first society strongly believe the benefits of chicken eggs for health. Therefore, many who consume this egg in a condition still raw so that nutrients are not damaged by cooking process.

Chicken eggs indeed contain lots of protein, vitamins and various minerals. Omega 3 is very good for intelligence and health of the brain and body is also contained in this egg.

For more details, we see the benefits of chicken eggs following:

Preventing and Curing Dangerous Diseases

Did you know that raw chicken eggs were able to prevent and cure various diseases? Yes, call it heart disease, cancer and lung disorders. This ability is supported by a very high antioxidant content, up to 2 x apples.

Omega 3 which is contained in chicken eggs is very good for heart health. There are also anti-cancer substances in egg yolks, namely tripofan and tyrosine. For those who are elderly, Consume chicken eggs are highly recommended because it can prevent cataracts to blindness.

Helps Muscle Formation

Well, this is a very well-liked man from the properties of chicken. Since the first chicken egg is already believed to be able to build muscle well. The content of egg protein is very high so it becomes a nutrient that is needed in the formation of muscle.

In addition, chicken eggs are also low in fat and bad cholesterol. Therefore many bodybuilding athletes who consume chicken eggs cooked, half cooked and even raw for breakfast. Not just one grain, but can be grain.

Improving Women's Beauty

The next info will be very exciting for women. How not, chicken eggs are very good for beauty. The egg whites are able to remove dead skin cells and make the face bright, fresh and no longer dry if used as a mask.

Acne and blackheads can disappear instantly with this mask. Carotenoids in eggs that we consume it will make the eyes become healthy and beautiful. Not enough? Then use raw eggs as a hair mask. Guaranteed, hair will become more moist and shiny.

Improve Men's Health

Hhmm it seems men also want to get more benefits from chicken eggs. All right, then consume chicken eggs, especially those that are still raw. The selenium minerals found in these eggs prove to be excellent for quality sperm formation.

In addition, carbohydrates, proteins and iron contained in chicken eggs are also able to produce a lot of extra energy that is needed men.

Incredible benefits of chicken eggs this, right? Therefore, these eggs are much sought after consumers from various walks of life. The demand was never down, even always increased.

You will get many benefits from breeding chicken that provides byproducts of eggs. Especially if you are able to cooperate with stalls selling herbal or STMJ. Income from these cattle is guaranteed to be more profitable.

type of chicken feed

If you are still doubtful of the benefits that can be gained from chicken livestock, then now we will see how the mathematical calculations of this business. Not only see how much capital and profits can be gained, but we will also compare it with other cultivation such as eel cattle.

Why do eel animals be used as a comparison? Because these cattle are also widely done as a side business. In addition, the breeding time was relatively the same, ie 7 months for eel and 8 months for chicken.

Well, now we will see the business analysis of the chicken in advance. Based on data obtained from Farmers Group in Tenjo Layah Village, Cicurug Subdistrict, Sukabumi Regency, it is known that the total cost required to cultivate 1 chicken is Rp. 18,000.

This cost includes the purchase of feed and medicines. If we cultivate 500 chickens, then the cost will be Rp. 9,000,000.

Profits can be obtained as a result of sales of chicken, eggs and DOC or chicken seeds. If we take the price of one chicken Rp. 35.000, then from 500 tail we can get income Rp. 17.500.000. So, from the chicken alone we can get a profit of Rp. 8,500,000.

What about the eggs and the DOC? Currently chicken eggs valued Rp. 1,000 per item. While the DOC can reach Rp. 2,000 per head. Well, you can calculate your own, how much profit is derived from all chicken products this village.

What about the eel cattle business analysis? Now we see, the total cost incurred for one time eel livestock is Rp. 3.668.300. For the income, can be obtained Rp. 10,000,000. So the profit of this cattle is Rp. 6,331,700. Try to compare with the chicken livestock income.

Do not forget, eggs and chicken DOC chicken also sold

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