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RE: Smallholding Diaries Week 24 - Microgreens, Zebrafinches and Winter Crops

Well done on getting hubby enrolled! Mine brought a load of pigeons home from someone who breeds them and was culling numbers. He'd have just killed them and binned them, so hubby said he'd take them. That was his job done then and I spent days trying to prep all, over 20 first time and second time nearly 40! He ended up asking telling the guy we couldn't take any more as I just didn't have the time for it and some were heaving with worms in the second batch. Gross!


Oh my! Eurgh. I wouldn't have been able to face that - AT ALL. And over 20...and then 40? Blimey!! I can see why that would've taken days.

It was winter and the wood burner was going, so the infested ones got cremated. Worms creep me out at the best of times!