VIDEO: Snake Bite - Spider Bite Kits ~ Homestead Medicine
Poisonous snakes and spiders are something we see every single year on the homestead. When it comes to small children, these animals can be very dangerous and even very dangerous for adults. We decided early on to make sure we had emergency kits on hand in case an event ever happened. So these are the kits that have have on the homestead in case of emergency.
Because we see and live around copperheads and rattlesnakes and poisonous spiders like the black widow and brown recluse, we have to make sure we are prepared to treat these bites should they happen. It's all about being prepared.

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It is a have to have item living here in the south!
Totally, yep, got to have it!
Great ending! I reached down to pick something up and almost grabbed a copperhead instead last year. I did quite the peepee dance before liberating it from this cruel world with a shovel. I need some of those snake shot rounds. I've seen and treated quite a few snake bites working as a medic in the Ozarks. They can get ugly. If it is just localized swelling we usually transport to a local hospital 30 minutes away. If it is an obviously bad reaction we fly them to a facility with antivenom. That's an expensive ride.
Where are you located GoatGarden. Might be cool to get you on video talking about snake bites. They sell the snake shot rounds at Cabela's. 9mm.
I'm in Missouri near Lake of the Ozarks.
Good article especially this time of year. I was bitten by a black widow several years ago and they treated it with antibiotics. About 4 years ago I was bitten by a small brown spider but I didn't think it was a brown recluse. It ended up not being a brown recluse but my hand oozed for 2 years before it finally quit regardless of what the doctors did. It has healed but did leave scarring,
WOW, sure sounds like a brown recluse. Yeah this is the time of the year to watch out for critters.
Wow. My friend and I were just talking about needing a laminated go-to sheet on what to do in case of things just like this. My husband @bluerthangreen and I moved to the Ozarks a couple of years ago and the critters here are still a little intimidating. Brown recluse used to be all over the basement we were living in. I had a plantain salve I made, but the kit seems so much better of a solution. Thanks again . I look forward to watching more!
Does your 9mm cycle ok using snakeloads? I once bought a cheap 38 so I could carry them because my 9 wouldn't cycle. Nowadays I carry a .40, and have just found out CCI makes a shotshell for that calibre. Good video (as usual). Keep up the good work.