HOMESTEAD PODCAST: The History of Air Conditioning In America

in #homesteading8 years ago (edited)

AC and home cooling have only been around for about 70 years or so. And still not everyone in America today has Air Conditioning. Only about 87% of homes.
NOTE: We had some technical issues that prevented us from completing the show about half way through. Ironically, we think our router over heated. We will be back next week to talk about some of what we missed. Enjoy the podcast below

The history of air conditioning in America


FACTS 1950 only 28% of the American population lived in the southern tier of the US.
By the year 2000, it was over 40% of the population living in the US who were in the southern tier. The home cooling marvel known as Air Conditioning spread across the south and allowed a mass migration into states that few wanted to live in during the summer months.

As many of you know, we don't have AC on the homestead and we are living off the grid. These posts and all the content and editing we make are powered by solar. But solar does not give enough power to run AC unless you have a massive system that costs many thousands of dollars.

So with most of America running their air conditioner in modern times, compare that with the amount of health problems we have in America today. Yes, life spans are up and we can live longer with the help of modern treatments and medicine but people today are developing health issues at much younger ages.

Maybe sweating is a good thing for our bodies to do on seasonal basis. But I know, people in America today are all about comfort. And we would never dream of putting our bodies under stress unless it was in the "comfortable" gym for only an hour a couple times a week. That would allow us at the end of the hour to again return to the comfort of a climate controlled environment.

What are the benefits of sweating?

  1. Sweating is great at cooling your body. It is natures built in AC system.

  2. It will improve your skin’s elasticity and helps tone your body. As you age, You’ll look younger than you actually are.

  3. Studies show sweating improves blood flow. This increased circulation helps your immune system stay strong and fight off disease.

  4. Sweating detoxifies the body and skin. Sweating is your body's way to purge nastiness from your lymph system, liver, blood, etc.

  5. Sweat improves digestion and reduce constipation. It's another way your body helps rid itself of food waste and move things along.

  6. It's an amazingly effective way to rid your body of man made chemicals like herbicides and heavy metals in your system. Similar to point 4 above but worth its own mention.

  7. Sweat will boost your body's natural endorphins. It's hard to be depressed after a good sweat.

  8. Can you say, "natural antibiotic"? That’s right, your body sweat can actually kill bacteria and other nasties that can cause infection through antimicrobial peptides. It's natures free way to kill germs in your system.

  9. Sweating will naturally elevate your “tough guy” level. With a trim body and toned skin (mentioned above), after a day of sweating it out, you'll look and feel like you can take on the world for the next day.

  10. Everything in nature is seasonal. Your body was meant and built to sweat it out 3-5 months a year and then have a rest. Having more of this natural swing in your life will give you a more fulfilled sense of purpose as this was how nature intended it to be.

So this is why we don't live with AC. Not only do we save LOADS of money on electric bills every year, we believe we are healthier for living this way



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Our tomatoes aren't doing anything either. I don't think they are getting pollinated it's very strange.I love seeing how your county fair goes. I was so upset when we found out our area doesn't have one so we're living vicariously haha

We have LOTS of green tomatoes but they are not really turning red. I'm being patient but my patience may run out. What can I do with lots of green tomatoes for preservation?

There's always Green Tomato Salsa. We've made it and it's pretty good.

There are canning recipes also. @ironshield


No Idea! This was our 2nd year trying to grow tomatoes. The first year we had issues with blossom end rot. I'd consider drying a bunch to keep on hand as a feed supplement for the winter and eating as many fresh as possible. Isn't there a green tomato salsa?

interesting read I'll check the video out later dtube is not working right for me the past day or so . if that's what you used :) thanks for sharing I resteemed

Ok, now I feel bad. When the feed went off I said in chat, I hope their router didn't overheat again. Maybe somebody just needs to invent a router that can sweat?

That guy would be rich....sweating routers! LOL

I thought the YouTube gestapo might have pulled the plug on you. I'm almost relieved to hear it was a technical issue on your end. @ironshield

You'll never take me alive copper!

Two books I've read over this summer regarding life in the early 1900s that I think you guys might find interesting. Little heathens and The Children's Blizzard.

Both are based in the Midwest.. My neck of the woods.

We live in a tropical country. With no air conditioning. We have reached temperatures of 58 degrees Celcius (136.4 degrees Fahrenheit) with the humidex factored in. We lie low those days and only do the basics. We cope and are healthier for it. We are never sick. In 16 years we have had the flu once and the common cold once. Not a bad record.

The thing that I don't like about air conditioning is how cold some businesses keep their temperature in the summer. It's uncomfortably cold for me, especially coming from the warm outdoors. I understand keeping it so people aren't super hot inside for the business, but it is an enormous waste of energy to cool to 68F and below.

I am following your posts, as we have many common interests. I have a solar panel, but haven't set it up yet. Thanks for sharing your perspective and your experience!

Shared to educate!

that's it! when I read about the benefits of sweating I just made my mind up to not install the window AC during this last part of summer. Just the thought of profusely sweating to lift it up there has swayed the day. Whew, I better head to the fridge for a cold ice tea before I change my mind!