Homestead HUNT Series: How To BRING IN THE DEER!
The temps are starting to drop and that means the deer season and the rut is right around the corner. According to recent numbers, white tail deer populations are the largest the nation has almost ever seen. Fewer and fewer hunters are taking to the woods to harvest this replenishing food source and as a result of the overpopulation, diseases like Lime and CWD (Chronic Wasting Disease) are growing at a terrifying rate.
But on the off grid homestead, we are doing our part to take a harvest of this natural resource. The quality of meat is way better than most of the stuff you're going to find in the stores. You don't have to worry about anti-biotics, growth hormones or pink slime in your meat. The deer are happily raised on acorns and mostly persimmons around here along with white clover.
Also never before have there been so many do-dads, gadgets and gizmos sold in stores to help you bag your deer. People spend way more money on hunting deer than anytime in history at a time when there has never been as many deer in history! Meaning the odds have never been in more of your favor.
One of those expensive options is a deer feeder. In the video above, I show you my feeder that cost about $20 to make at your local hardware store.
The Squirrel Trapped In My DEER FEEDER - RESCUE!
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These feeders are great, I need to take the time and build one. I have one of those moultrie bucket feeders, but I feel like it attracts more varmints than deer. When I was running my cam on the feeder last year I got more pics of raccoons and possums than anything. These feeders seems to waste less and make it convenient for the deer. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, I get a fair share of raccoon and squirrels too. That is why you need to search out a high traffic area. They have prefered roadways and highways just like we do. You just have to find them. You putting that feeder in one of those places is like opening up a nice gas station on a highway. They will stop in.
These feeders are great. A problem I encountered when I was stationed in eastern NC was that raccoons would pig out on the feeders leaving little to nothing for the deer. I was able to find some galvanized pipe and make a tripod stand for the feeder and works great at keeping the raccoons and squirrels out.
So far I am only seeing about 4 does and one yearling button buck. Praying for some bucks to starting entering the property.
Hope you can see this photo.
GREAT PIC! Posted here for others to see.
Thank you Zac! Still learning how to use Steemit
Evening, I haven't see a podcast in a while. Are you still doing them? I love your videos!!
We just started again and we are posting them only on the patreon side. $1 a month gets you in over there.
Thanks for stopping by. It means a lot!
Around here some people got the brilliant idea of releasing mountain lions to help control the deer population.
As a side not have you ever tried to use a deer feeder to feed your chickens?
We want our chickens to mostly forage so we only give them limited feed. So not really. People around here shoot lions on sight.
Yeah...I am not crazy about the idea of something in the woods being able to kill me.
Exactly! I will stay at the top of the food chain. It's why I don't live in Florida. When I lived there, it was like every month a jogger was being dragged into the woods by a gator...No thanks!
I was thinking do you guys have problems with squirrels?
They are not as bad as in the city. They have no natural predators in the city. Out here, lots of things eat squirrels. Saw an eagle carry one off last winter. It was amazing. The eagle came out of nowhere and and grabbed him and off it went.
I did not think about do you keep your chickens safe when predators are all around?
Great video. Hunting your own is the most honest way to go. That must have been a fat squirrel when you released it.:)
I put the video up of the squirrel trapped. Check it out now in the post.
I just watched it. It was funny, thanks.
Yeah, I'd like to do more wildlife videos out here. They are so unpredictable.
This is a great and inexpensive way to attract deer. Venison is the best meat. My family like burgers, sausage and roasts. At least you know where the meat came from and it is killed humanely. Thanks for sharing.
Our favorite is to make venison hard salami every year.
Shared to show "How to harvest"!
Lovely post.i rrsteemed .go ahead
Thank you for sharing i love diys.
Really looking forward to hunting season. We've got access to 25 acres or so up the mountain. I'd like to build out one of these feeders but with all the greens we've got growing I'm almost afraid to draw too many to the property. We've got a electric fence and a hard working cattle dog but still it can be a little nerve wrecking having your next two months of income susceptible to the whims of Mother Nature, pests, disease, and deer.