These sheep are so great!
Our Shetland/Finn sheep are still doing great. Pinkie Pepper wanted to share a bit about them, so I recorded her as she shared for a bit. We certainly enjoy them a lot and appreciate having the opportunity to enjoy some on our homestead!
We hope that you enjoyed learning some more about them! We sure enjoy them!

She really knows her stuff! Once we acquire some good land, sheep are the first on the "to get" list. Those that you have are beautiful!!! Thanks @little-peppers for sharing your knowledge of sheep with us!
Glad you liked it! Thank you!
Awesome! what a star @pinkie-pepper. You did a really good job of explaining all about your sheep. They look really happy to be hanging out with you too.
Keep doing stuff like this and soon you'll be as big a star as your dad ;-)
They do really like us now. They were a little scared at first, but now they like it when we come.
I had the same thing with the lambs I looked after in the UK. They would even come and have lunch with me sometimes it was really cool.
Hey, a small tip for the video camera - if you tape some sponge foam over the microphone you can cut out most of the wind noise without reducing the sound quality. I use this trick on my camera and it works a treat, and costs next to nothing ;-)
Man, so smart! Thanks, that is a quick and easy one to be sure!
no worries. I hope it helps ;-)
She looks so adorable and getting bigger.
My baby daughter is also getting bigger. I can't wait and i imagined how fun it's going to be when she finally can walk by herself and start running with me, and do these type of thing soon. Looks soooooo exciting 😀
Glad to hear that you are enjoying your little one. They are so precious!
Oh my gosh- Pinkie Pepper did a great job talking about her sheep! She was a natural, spoke clearly and was very informative. Kudos to her! You must be one proud @papa-pepper!!
Good job Pinkie Pepper! I never knew, I thought Alfalfa was just the name of a Little Rascal. Take care o them hooves. And stay warm out there on the Pepper Homestead :)