I think this is a month and year we will all remember!
It’s been all go down on the plot. I went from having no time to being on the allotment a few hours a day... it’s never looked so good. I got the first early tatties in, creating a hole and dropping in the seed tattie 🥔 I will cover with compost as they grow. I also sowed some Carrots. I had my friend kunaning down on the plot (a safe distance) giving me a hand. She helped sow some Wild Flower seeds and Radishes; that was before we all went into lockdown. I must say I was happy to hear Michael Gove Say it’s fine to go to the plot. It’s been great to get the allotment turned over and weeded out and get some fresh air. Spring is one of my favourite times of the year, when the buds on the trees start to flower and the bees are out and the birds are singing away.
I made a start preparing the ground for the new slabs to go down at the front of the shed. This will hopefully be getting finished in the next few weeks. On my way to the allotment I have been picking up tree branches that have been cut down and left at the side of the path. I have made a structure for the Peas to climb up this year. (See pics)
With spending a lot more time in the flat I managed to sort all the seeds out, so now I know exactly what we have and when they should be going in. I have also been keeping myself busy sowing them and putting them in the propagator. So far I have sowed Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Cabbage and some herbs. Over the next few weeks I will do some more. I have also had fun making Cress heads getting my stunning partner Jon involved drawing the face. I always forget how much I love an Egg and Cress sandwich.
It’s not going to be like this forever right?
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