Playing at Homesteading? A Response to Pure Living for Life

in #homesteading7 years ago

A comment that was made on Pure Living for Life rubbed me the wrong way. I don't think they meant to demean anyone, but I wanted to clarify what I thought about the homesteading community.


People are homesteaders if they claim the moniker. To me, it's more a mindset than a set of activities. The mindset will inform the activities required. It's not up to anyone else to question a person's choice to fulfill their goals. Pure Living for Life would do well to look after their own plans and leave off 'critiquing' others efforts. Just sayin'...

That was my thought. I hope it was just clumsy wording, but I wanted to clarify that anyone who has any interest at all in homesteading is part of the community in my book. Thanks for the comment.