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RE: An Unfortunate Chain of Events... What is Going on with our Ducks?

in #homesteading8 years ago (edited)

Holy Moly.. what a week!!!! I would go out and get a cheap trail cam and set it up. I have a $40 one that's been great for helping to identify problem animals.

I'm thinking raccoon or fox, but don't know your area. We've had raccoons come around in the daytime for food if there is a source and need on their part. We keep a trap set pretty regularly, too. Along with a scoped .22 rifle! Though most low-level pests get relocated some miles down the road into the forest. If it were me, I'd be on a rampage... three ducks and about 16 eggs? Shoo-wee....


THat's a good idea! This is a rent check though so it will have to wait two weeks... I think raccoon is MOST likely! I will put marshmallows in trap tonight!

Yup, I was thinking some sort of camera / motion detector set up would tell the story. It's hard to know for sure what's going on when there are so many likely scenarios.